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本文旨在了解科技大學學生文化消費行為現況,採用焦點團體法,以國立臺灣科技大學在學學生為研究對象,調查學生的生活型態與其最近三個月文化消費狀況,針對不同生活型態的學生,分析其文化消費的種類與支出概況,根據研究結果,此次接受本研究調查的國立臺灣科技大學之學生,最近三個月接觸或參與過的五大類文化藝術相關活動,其次數排序如下:1.大眾傳播類2.使用或參觀文化藝術相關機構或設施3.表演藝術類4.視覺藝術類5.文化藝術節慶活動;平均消費金額高低排序如下:1.大眾傳播類2.視覺藝術類3.表演藝術類4.文化藝術節慶活動5.使用或參觀文化藝術相關機構或設施。 依本研究之發現,科技大學學生之生活型態,共可被歸納為六種類型,以下分別敘述其消費狀況及行銷建議: 1.傳統型 參與的次數或消費的金額都普遍偏低。不愛追求新事物,大眾傳播類的文化消費是最容易被他們所接受。價錢上的促銷,對此類群影響力較大。 2.樂觀進取型 屬於喜歡文化消費的一群,參與次數及消費金額都較高。提供他們服務面向的升級,較可能刺激他們消費的意願。 3.失敗主義型 視覺藝術類及文化藝術節慶活動類一致偏低。參考群體的意見,或是社會大眾潮流有較高的影響力,因此,口碑行銷就顯得相對重要。 4.自信的、意見領導型 自我意識較高,並非文化消費的愛好者。行銷時,需特別留意的是訊息的傳遞,充分告知產品相關訊息,不要過度的渲染。 5.世界主義型 對於表演藝術類頗有偏好,惟若是在臺灣的外國人,則需要考慮語言的因素。網路訊息及朋友的推薦,是主要資訊來源,不喜歡太過商業性的文化活動。 6.喜愛戶外休閒活動型 文化藝術節慶活動類參與度較高,注重假日的休閒生活,相關訊息藉由大眾運輸工具傳播為最佳途徑。
This paper aims to understand the cultural consumption behaviour of students at universities of science and technology. Taking current students of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as its focus group, this research surveyed the lifestyles of randomly selected students and their cultural consumption within the past three months to create an overview that analyzed the kinds of cultural consumption these students made and the amount of money they spent on each kind of cultural events. The result shows that the top five types of cultural events they participated in are: 1. Mass communication; 2. Cultural or art institutions or facilities; 3. Performing arts; 4. Visual arts; 5.Cultural or arts festivals. Of these five types of events, they spent the most on (in descending order): 1. Mass communication; 2. Visual arts; 3. Performing arts; 4. Cultural or art festivals; 5. Cultural or art institutions or facilities. This research also finds that the lifestyles of these students can be divided into six categories, under which an overview of their consumption behaviors is presented and suggestions for a marketing approach are proposed: 1.The traditional type: This type of students generally participates less frequently and consumes less. They are not into pursuing novelties. Consumption on mass communication is most likely to be accepted. Sales promotion has the largest effect on this type of students. 2.The optimist type: This type of students enjoys cultural consumption both in terms of more frequent participation and increased amounts of consumption. An upgrade in terms of service is more likely to be a better incentive for them. 3.The defeatist type: This type of students participates and spends less on events of visual arts and cultural or arts festivals. They often take reference from opinions of the majority and trends. Therefore, word of mouth can be an important marketing approach for them. 4.The confident / opinion leader type: This type of students has high self-awareness and is not keen patrons for cultural events. When targeting this group of students, one needs to pay extra attention on fully conveying relative messages of the product without overt exaggeration. 5.The cosmopolitan type: This type of students is a keen audience for performing arts. However, one needs to consider the language barrier when targeting foreign students in Taiwan. They take references mostly from Internet sources and recommendations by friends. They prefer cultural activities that are less commercial. 6.The outdoor type: This type of students participates in a large number of cultural or art festivals. They care about their leisure time on holidays. Marketing campaigns on public transportation can be the most influential method for them.



文化消費, 生活型態, 消費者行為, Culture Consumption, Lifestyle, Consumer Behaviour





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