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本研究旨在針對幼兒園家長以共親職為主軸發展家庭教育方案,以期提升家長之共親職知能。本研究依據Feinberg(2003)提出的「共親職」內涵中「家務分工」與「共同家庭管理」,採系統化教學設計模型(Instructional System Design),進行方案發展。進一步,於6所幼兒園家長實施方案,並以量化與質化方式蒐集資料,進行方案實施成效評估。主要研究發現如下: 一、本研究依據需求評估,提出幼兒園家長的三大項學習目標:「瞭解教養與婚姻互動的關聯性,並認識共親職的內涵」、「共同協調家務分工及時間規劃的重要性並於樂於實踐」、「覺察溝通模式,並調整適切的溝通方式以避免衝突」。 二、方案內容包括三個單元:共親職概念、家庭時間管理分類和家務分工與公平感、溝通技巧演練。並以學習活動講述、學習單、團體活動以及小組討論等多元方式進行。 三、方案實施策略包括:教學媒材視覺化,活動設計使用嘈雜群體法,以及營造安全學習環境且限制小的分享空間。 四、由方案成效評估顯示:學習者評定最有收穫與最實用的為「溝通技巧」、「溝通模式覺察」與「共親職知能」相關之學習內容。而多數幼兒園父母對於「家務分工」議題學習興趣較低,同時認為「家庭時間」分配調整具有實踐上的困難。 五、本研究建議:未來方案設計及教學,需考量參與對象的身份,並鼓勵夫妻共同參加,同時於行政部分增設托育服務,提高家長出席率。於教學者帶領技巧部分,可透過體驗活動和多元媒材,並於過程中輔以投票、肢體表達和小組討論的方式,增加學習興趣。
The purpose of the study was to develop a family education program for kindergarten parents and to improve parents’ knowledge and skills of coparenting. The study was based on"Division of Labor" and "Joint Family Management" by Feinberg (2003), and the program followed the discipline of Instructional System Design. The program was implemented in 6 kindergartens. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The main findings are as follows: 1.Based on needs assessment, this research proposes three learning goals for kindergarten parents: (1)understanding the relation between parenting and marriage, and acknowledge the content of coparenting, (2)coordinatingthe division of housework and time management, and being willing to practice the skills, (3) increasing the awareness of communication, and adjusting their communication methods to avoid conflict. 2.There are three sessions of the coparenting program, including the concept of coparenting, the family time management, the division of housework and the sense of fairness, and communication exercise. In addition to lectures, study sheets, group activities, and discussions are widely used in the program. 3.The material of this program was designed to match the element as below: (1) the visualization of teaching material; (2)the Buzz Group activity design; (3) a safe, familiar, and limited sharing and learning environment. 4.In the assessment of the effectiveness of this study, the kindergarten parents rated the most rewarding and practical learning session was"communication skills", "communication pattern awareness" and " coparenting knowledge". However, most kindergarten parents are less interested in learning "division of housework" and recognized that "the adjustment of family time" is challenging. 5.Suggestions for future implementation of the study: teachers need to consider the identity of participants and to encourage couples to participate together. To increase parents’ attendance, childcare services should be considered as a part of the program. Teachers could increase the interest of attendees in the use of video and technology, activities, and group discussions.



共親職, 幼兒園家長, 家庭教育, 方案發展, 方案成效評估, Coparenting, Kindergarten Parents, Family Education, Program Development, Evaluation of Program Efficiency





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