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為因應科技快速發展,技職教育體系以能力本位的觀點發展能力標準, 積極培養學生擁有適應職場變遷的能力。能力分析是發展能力標準的方法, 能力分析得到之結果是否能符合職場所需,必須對其效度加以討論與分析。 基於此觀點本研究主要研究目的如下: 壹、建構能力分析之效度分析的綜合架構 貳、建立案例----以功能分析對幼兒保育專業進行能力分析,並以效度分 析綜合架構為參考基礎,對案例之能力分析方法、過程及結果做效 度分析 參、討論案例結果,並依據討論結果提出具體建議 本研究主要之研究方法如下: 壹、文獻蒐集與分析 蒐集國內外能力標準發展之相關文獻以及能力分析之效度分析相關 資料,分析並歸納出能力分析方法之效度分析的綜合架構。 貳、調查研究法 以問卷、訪談、及焦點團體等方法進行實際案例之效度分析: 一、案例選擇:以「幼兒保育專業」為例進行能力分析與效度分析。 二、能力分析:以功能分析作為能力分析方法。 三、效度分析:分為形成性效度分析,以及總結性效度分析 (一)形成性效度分析:對能力分析方法及過程之分析,分析方法 包括量化的評量與深度訪談。 (二)總結性效度分析:對能力分析結果做有效性驗證,分析方法 為問卷調查。 本研究依據研究設計得到下列研究結果: 壹、實施能力分析時效度分析之綜合架構綜合架構主要內容包括理論基礎與建構原則、效度分析之時機與程 序、能力分析成果及相關資料、形成性效度分析與總結性效度分析、 效度分析初步成果及應用、重複效度分析。 貳、以「幼兒保育專業」為例進行能力分析與效度分析 依據效度分析結果分別對「幼兒保育專業」效度分析、功能分析方法、 效度分析綜合架構、研究方法及後續研究討論並提出建議。
When the workforce changed with the technologies developing quickly, the vocational and educational training system should prepare mapping curriculums for students to coping the changing world of future. The major strategy was competence analysis for development of competence standards, owing to the linking need between workforces and training organization, the most important thing was to understand whether the competence units are validated. The purposes of the study were: 1. To review the relevant references about validity analysis of competence analysis, and establish a synthesis frame of validity analysis of competence analysis; 2. To establish a case - child care - for competence analysis and validity analysis on the base of the synthesis frame; 3. To get some summaries and to develop suggestions from the results of validity analysis. The methods of the study were: 1. To review and analyze the relevant references, to get a synthesis frame of validity analysis of competence analysis results. 2. To analyze the validity of the results of competence analysis on child care. The ways of validity analysis were: 1. Formative validity analysis: to analyze the method with scale and interview; and to analyze the process with interview of competence analysis 2. Summative validity analysis: to analyze the results of competence analysis with survey. 3. To test the data of scale and survey by statistics. The summaries of the study were: 1. To establish a synthesis frame of validity analysis of competence analysis. 2. To get some summaries and suggestions to validity analysis of child care, to functional analysis of child care, to synthesis frame of validity analysis, to methods of study, to the following studies.



能力標準, 能力分析, 功能分析, 效度分析, 形成性效度分析, 總結性效度分析, 幼兒保育, Competence Standards, Competence Analysis, Validity Analysis, Formative validity analysis, Summative validity analysis, Child care





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