
dc.contributorChu, Chao-Hsiangen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Cheng-Yangen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文採取「歷史制度主義」(Historical Institutionalism)的研究途徑,探究我國自1949年政府遷臺以來行政院的組織結構演化路徑,並以組織變革的相關理論來檢討行政院組織變革的成效與危機。 本論文將行政院組織結構改造歷程分為三階段;第一波組織改造為1949年至1986年,此階段初期考量建軍備戰,未更動「八部二會」框架。直到1966年修訂《動員戡亂時期臨時條款》,授權總統調整中央行政機構,才以大幅增設委員會的方式因應國家發展的需求。但也造成組織膨脹、疊床架屋、溝通不良、機關名稱定義混淆等問題。 第二波組織改造為1987年至1996年,此時人民參政風氣日盛、臺灣主體意識興起,行政院得以根據國家實際需求翻修組織架構。但在憲政改革的紛擾下,《行政院組織法》的修正無法完成,故仍以不斷成立委員會的方式來回應社會需求。 第三波組織改造為1996年迄今,由於1996年國發會議的「精省」決議,使行政院組織與人力的改造迫在眉捷。此時行政院組織改造已鎖定在「小而能政府」的新公共管理路徑,且依循此一路徑迄今。惟陳水扁執政受制於分立政府(divided government)僵局,未能完成立法。至馬英九2008年完全執政,行政院組改的關鍵時刻出現,組織改造終能開始。 本論文從三波組織改造歷程中歸納出行政院組織變革的「路徑依賴」與「斷續均衡」現象。最後並依組織變革理論,建議未來行政院組織設置的「法律保留」程度應再適度降低;「顧客導向」的哲學理念與「功能區塊」的思維模式也應重新檢討;組織文化與組織學習能力更要不斷融入變革的能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper adopts the research approach of “historical institutionalism” to review the path of organizational restructuring of the Executive Yuan since the relocation of the government in 1949 to Taiwan. It also utilizes related theories of organizational change to discuss the achievements and crises of the Executive Yuan. This paper divides the organizational restructuring of the Executive Yuan into three stages. The first stage was from 1949 to 1986. The initial concerns of that stage included military establishment and war preparation, without making changes to the framework of “Eight Ministries and Two Commissions”. It was not until the amendment of the Provisional Amendment for the Period of Mobilization of the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion in 1966, empowering the President to adjust central administrative organs, did a number of committees were established to meet the needs of national development. On the other hand, it led to problems of organizational expansion, functional redundancy, poor communication, and ambiguity in the definitions and names of organs. The second stage was from 1987 to 1996. At this stage, the public's political participation increased and consciousness for Taiwan entity was on the rise, so that the Executive Yuan could modify the organizational structure based on the actual needs of the country. However, under the chaos of the constitutional reform, the modification of the Organizational Act of the Executive Yuan remained uncompleted. As a result, more committees were established to respond to societal needs. The third stage was from 1996 to the present. The resolution of the “Downsizing the Taiwan Provincial Government” by the National Development Council in 1996 made the restructuring the organization and personnel of the Executive Yuan an imminent task. At this point, the organizational transformation of the Executive Yuan locked in the path of new public management for a “small yet competent” government, which has been followed to date. However, former President Chen Shui-bian did not complete the legislation due to the standstill of the divided government. It was until 2008 when former President Ma Ying-jeou came into full power did critical moment of the reorganization of the Executive Yuan appear and reorganization started. This paper summarizes the phenomena of path dependence and punctuated equilibrium from the organizational restructuring of the Executive Yuan in the three stages. Finally, according to theories of organizational change, it is suggested that the degree “legal reservation” set by the Executive Yuan in the future should be moderately reduced. The philosophical concept of “customer orientation” and mindset of “function block” should be reviewed, and the organizational culture and organizational learning ability should be integrated with revolutionary ability.en_US
dc.subjectExecutive Yuanen_US
dc.subjectOrganization Restructureen_US
dc.subjectHistorical Institutionalismen_US
dc.subjectPath Dependenceen_US
dc.subjectPunctuated Equilibriumen_US
dc.titleThe Research of Organization Restructuring of the Executive Yuan -from the Perspective of Historical Institutionalismen_US

