球類教學融入個人與社會責任模式之 行動研究

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本研究目的主要探討:一、球類教學實施「個人與社會責任模式」教學前後,學生在責任層級表現差異。二、球類教學實施「個人與社會責任模式」的教學過程,學生在實施過程中責任層級的表現情形。三、參與研究教師於球類教學實施「個人與社會責任模式」過程中遭遇到的困境與因應策略。四、瞭解研究教師於球類教學實施「個人與社會責任模式」的省思與專業成長。研究方法:採行動研究方式進行,研究參與者為高雄市某國中七年級學生共30名(15名男生、15名女生)及體育教師1名,並應用Don Hellison所提倡的TPSR責任模式,進行6週12節的行動方案課程。研究資料蒐集採PSRQ問卷、教師日誌、訪談大綱,學生學習資料等。研究結果發現:學生在實施球類教學融入個人與社會責任模式前、後的表現:一、在層級I尊重的表現有顯著差異(t=5.60, p<.05);在層級III自我導向的表現,有顯著差異(t=3.15, p<.05)。在層級II努力與參與、層級IV關懷與幫助中,並無顯著差異。二、學生在球類教學融入TPSR責任模式教學過程中,由質性資料發現TPSR對球類教學有正面的影響。三、研究者從球類教學融入TPSR責任模式課程教學中遭遇的問題與因應策略:(一)意識談話時間過長:利用關係時間了解學生想法、增加活動時間(二)小組會議時間討論不夠熱烈:善用學校獎勵制度。四、參與研究教師在教學行動研究的歷程中有所省思與成長。
The purpose of this study was to investigate: 1.The performance difference in the level of responsibility before and after ball games teaching of the "individual and social responsibility" model (TPSR) to the students. 2. The student’s performance level of responsibility during the implementation process of ball games teaching of the "individual and social responsibility" model. 3 The difficulties and coping strategies of the participating teacher during the ball games teaching of the "individual and social responsibility" model. 4. The reflection and professional growth of the participating teacher after the ball games teaching of the "individual and social responsibility" model. Methods: Action research approach was used in this study. The participants were 30 seventh grade students (15 boys, 15 girls) and 1 PE teacher from Kaohsiung. A six week of 12 PE lessons was implemented using TPSR model advocated by Don Hellison. PSRQ questionnaire, teacher journals, interviews, and student learning sheets were used to collect data. Results: 1. There were significant differences for Respect in level I (t = 5.60, p<.05) and Self-directed in level III (t = 3.15, p <.05) performance. However, no significant differences were found for Level II (Effort and participation) and level IV (Helping others and Caring). 2. Qualitative data analysis indicated that integrating ball games teaching into TPSR model showed positive influence on student’s learning. 3. Teaching problems encountered with coping strategies were: (1) Awareness talk time was too long: to use relational time to understand the students' ideas andincrease activity time. (2) Students were not active enough for discussion group meetings: use the school reward system. 4. The participating teacher became more reflective and experienced professional growth in the teaching process of doing action research.



球類教學, 個人與社會責任模式, 品格教育, 行動研究, Ball games teaching, personal and social responsibility model (TPSR), character education, action research





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