
dc.contributorHuang, Chi-Yoen_US
dc.contributor.authorWei, Da-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,由於行動通訊技術的蓬勃發展,無線通訊技術與網路已可以有效支援遠距離資料與影像之傳輸,而新冠肺炎的爆發,更加速行動通訊應用的擴散,其中遠距醫療為最主要的代表應用之一。遠距醫療採用新式代行動通訊技術,進行醫療資訊的傳輸與接收,能夠有效降低病人就醫不便的問題,醫師也能利用遠距醫療,依據病患的敘述與影像快速診斷下達醫矚或進行遠距監測病患狀況。雖然遠距醫療已經成為新趨勢,但遠距醫療未來之應用,少有學者探討,但對於學界、業界而言,相關議題極為重要。為跨越研究缺口,本研究採用宏觀環境分析法Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal (PESTEL),建構多準則決策分析模型,建構未來遠距醫療發展之情境與各情境之應用。本研究經彙整專家意見後,使用決策實驗室分析法Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) 與基於決策實驗室之網路流程DEMATEL-based analytic network process (DANP) 推衍發展情境最重要的三種驅動力量,並由DANP搭配多準則折衷評估方法VIekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) 在三種驅動力量所形成之八種情境組合中,推衍選取出四項遠距醫療未來五年最可能的情境。再次彙整專家意見使用DANP搭配VIKOR在四種最可能發展情境下從八種遠距醫療應用中推衍出該情境下最適合的三項應用。依據實證研究結果,未來遠距醫療發展之四種情境中,情境一由經濟、社會、與環境等三種正向驅動力所建構,最重要的應用是遠距手術,次之是遠距醫療監測,情境二由經濟與社會兩種正向驅動力搭配環境負向驅動力所建構,最重要的應用是遠距手術,次之是遠距緊急救護系統,情境三由經濟與環境兩種正向驅動力搭配社會負向驅動力所建構,最重要的應用是遠距醫療監測,次之是遠距緊急救護系統,情境四由社會與環境兩種正向驅動力搭配經濟負向驅動力所建構,最重要的應用是遠距醫療監測,次之是遠距緊急救護系統。本研究以學界、業界專家推衍遠距醫療未來最可能之發展情境與應用,可為創新醫療器材領域之後進所用,能使業者大幅降低研發成本及失敗風險,更準確抓住未來新藍海以及發展趨勢。而發展之多準則情境分析架構,可作為其他領域企業預測未來之用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWireless communication and networking have been capable of successfully enabling the transfer of remote data and pictures in recent years, thanks to the rapid development of mobile communication technology. The corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has hastened the spread of mobile communication technologies, with telemedicine being one of the most famous instances. Telemedicine makes use of cutting-edge mobile communication technology to improve the transmission and receiving of medical information. This method can successfully reduce the inconvenience experienced by people seeking medical attention. Physicians can use telemedicine to quickly diagnose patients based on their descriptions and photographs, provide medical advice, and remotely monitor their status.Although telemedicine has emerged as a new trend, there hasn't been much research into its potential future uses, which are still very important to both academics and business. This work uses a macro-environmental analysis technique to fill the research gap by developing future telemedicine development scenarios and their corresponding applications. It also builds a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model. Following the consolidation of expert viewpoints, the study utilizes DEMATEL and DANP to identify the three most major driving forces behind the development scenarios. The paper produces four prospective telemedicine development scenarios from eight scenario combinations produced by these driving forces using the DANP and VIKOR. The analysis extrapolates the most appropriate telemedicine apps for each of these four future scenarios. The study further reduces the selection of the eight initial telemedicine applications to the three most appropriate applications by incorporating expert opinions and utilizing VIKOR taking into account the four most likely development scenarios.Based on empirical study findings, the following scenarios for future telemedicine development have been identified: Da Vinci remote surgery is the most significant application in Scenario 1, which is built by three positive driving forces: economic, social, and environmental considerations. Remote medical monitoring is the second-most significant use. The most significant use is Da Vinci remote surgery, which is followed by remote emergency medical system, in Scenario 2, which is created by a mix of positive economic and social driving forces as well as a negative environmental driving force.The most significant use in Scenario 3 is remote medical monitoring, which is followed by remote emergency medical care. This scenario is created by a mix of good economic and environmental driving forces coupled with a negative social driving force. The most significant use in Scenario 4 is remote medical monitoring, which is followed by remote emergency medical care. This scenario is created by a mix of positive social and environmental driving forces and a negative economic driving force.In this study, academic and business experts work together to identify the most likely future telemedicine development scenarios and applications. Players in the market for cutting-edge medical equipment may benefit from this because it will allow them to significantly reduce R&D costs and minimize failure risks. Other industries could use the multi-criteria scenario analysis framework developed in this study to forecast future trends.en_US
dc.subjectMobile communicationen_US
dc.subjectScenario Analysisen_US
dc.titleScenario Analysis of Telemedicine Based on Communication Networken_US

