

本研究旨在瞭解新竹地區高中生參與運動性社團人口統計特徵,及探討高中生對參與運動性社團服務品質的事先期望與實際體驗之評價,並比較不同背景之高中生對參與運動性社團服務品質的事先期望與實際體驗之差異情形,進而瞭解高中生對參與運動性社團服務品質滿意度之評價,比較不同背景之高中生對參與運動性社團服務品質滿意度之差異情形。研究者以自編的「高中運動性社團參與者服務品質知覺之研究問卷」作為資料蒐集的工具。並採便利性取樣選取樣本,共發出問卷400份,有效回收問卷375份。所得資料以描述性統計、因素分析、皮爾遜積差相關、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe等統計方法,進行分析。重要研究結果如下: 一、新竹市高中生參與運動性社團以男學生居多;年級別集中在二年級;沒有參加運動代表隊為最多;參與的運動性社團類別,以球類居多。 二、高中生參與運動性社團服務品質事先期望之評價,其優先情形依序為:「物質環境品質」、「計畫品質」、「結果品質」、「互動關係品質」。實際體驗所感受到之評價,依序為以「結果品質」、「計畫品質」、「互動關係品質」、「物質環境品質」。 三、不同背景變項之學生,在參與運動性社團服務品質的事先期望與實際體驗各因素反應之差異情形。 (一)不同性別、年級的學生在參與運動性社團服務品質的事先期望上,無顯著差異存在。 (二)是否為運動代表隊、課後時間是否參加補習和參與的運動性社團類別,在參與運動性社團服務品質的事先期望反應上,有顯著差異存在。 (三)不同年級別的學生,在參與運動性社團服務品質的實際體驗反應上,無顯著差異存在。 (四)不同性別、是否為運動代表隊,在課後時間是否補習和參與不同運動性社團類別者,在服務品質的實際體驗反應上,有顯著差異存在。 四、高中生對參與運動性社團在整體服務品質上呈現不滿意的評價,所感受到不滿意程度之各因素高低,依序為:「物質環境品質」「計畫品質」、「互動關係品質」、「結果品質」。在整體服務品質的知覺上,則呈現不滿意的情形。 五、不同背景學生,在服務品質滿意度反應之差異情形 (一)不同年級的學生,在參與的運動性社團服務品質滿意度上,無顯著差異存在。 (二)不同性別、是否為運動代表隊、課後時間是否參加補習和參與的運動性社團類別學生,在服務品質滿意度上的反應,皆達顯著水準。
The purpose of this study is to understand senior high school participants of sports clubs, as well as their expectations from the clubs and their evaluations of the clubs after having actual experience. It also compares senior high school participants of different backgrounds. The results of this study are valuable for offering the service quality satisfaction poll of senior high school participants of sports clubs. This study employs a "Questionnaire on the Service Quality Perceptions for Participants of Senior High School Sports Clubs." It analyzes 375 completed questionnaires after issuing 400 copies. The descriptive statistics, variable analysis, Pearson's product-moment correlation , independent-samples t-test, one-factor analysis of variance, and Scheffe are used to determine the relationships between variables. The results are shown as follows. 1. Senior high school participants of sports clubs in Hsinchu City are dominantly males, 2nd-graders in senior high schools, non-athletic school team members, participating in ball sports. 2. Participants' expectations from sports clubs are in the order of "Physical Environment Quality", "Program Quality", "Outcome Quality", and "Interaction Quality." Their evaluations of actual experience in the clubs are in the order of "Outcome Quality", "Program Quality", "Interaction Quality", and "Physical Environment Quality." 3. Different results between students of different backgrounds are listed below. (1) As for the expectations from sports clubs, gender and age are not significant variables, while being school team members, taking after-school classes, and the types of sports are. (2) In terms of actual experience in the clubs, age is not a significant variable, while gender, being school team members, taking after-school classes, and the types of sports are. 4. The results of this study indicate that senior high school participants in sports clubs are not satisfied with the service quality. The unsatisfactory variables are in the order of "Physical Environment Quality", "Program Quality", "Interaction Quality", and "Outcome Quality." 5. Different satisfaction results between students of different backgrounds are listed below. (1) Age is not a significant variable in the satisfaction poll. (2) Gender, being school team members, taking after-school classes, and the types of sports are significant variables.



運動性社團, 服務品質, 事先期望, 實際體驗

