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教育普及與身心障礙福利制度的改善,因此有越來越多的身心障礙生得以進入大學接受高等教育。另一方面,隨著網際網路的發達,以數位學習系統教學的方式能打破時空限制,且能提供多元感官模式的教材,因此國內各大專校院皆開始積極開發應用數位學習系統來支援教學。由於數位學習教材多元豐富,能提供學習者依其慣用的感官與學習模式選擇合適的教材,有助於提升學習成效。 然而,數位學習系統本身的介面若未能提供無障礙的網路環境,或是缺乏多元感官呈現形式的教材資源,身心障礙生則會因為感官能力限制或不便,需要花費比一般生更多的時間摸索適應,且無法順利讀取教材資源的內容,造成與一般生之間產生更嚴重的數位落差。為探討大學身心障礙生對數位學習系統的需求與使用情形,期能協助大學身心障礙生的數位學習回歸主流,並改善其使用數位學習所遭遇的困難,因此本研究以臺師大Blackboard數位學習系統作為研究案例,並以立意抽樣的方式,選擇以感官障礙為主,包括視覺障礙、聽覺障礙、肢體障礙(腦性麻痺)之國立臺灣師範大學身心障礙生為研究對象9位。本研究以半結構式深度訪談法,輔以參與式觀察法,以了解大學身心障礙生使用數位學習系統及其提供之教材資源的情形、遭遇到的困難,及對系統潛在需求。 研究結果發現大學身心障礙生肯定數位學習系統確實能為課堂學習帶來幫助,但也有部分身心障礙生因為資訊管道不明確、不熟悉系統操作方式、缺乏使用動機、缺乏相關軟硬體環境等原因,而影響系統輔助學習的成效。從系統介面設計來看,不論障礙類別與障礙程度,多數大學身心障礙生均偏好畫面使用較大字體與乾淨簡潔的系統版面,按鈕名稱與圖示的設計則偏好直覺通俗的表達方式;另外,對於教材資源呈現形式的選擇,則會受到個別障礙情形與慣用學習模式而有不同的需求情況。因此為兼顧不同障礙類別、障礙程度身心障礙生的個別需求,系統應盡可能提供多元化功能介面與多元感官模式呈現的教材資源。 臺師大Blackboard數位學習系統雖未特別區隔一般生與身心障礙生的使用介面,但若能提供無障礙的網路環境,讓一般生與身心障礙生在同一平台介面相互學習交流,則能增進彼此了解互動,且一般生亦能共享符合身心障礙生特殊需求的資源,發揮系統輔助學習的最大效益。本研究依據大學身心障礙生對數位學習系統的期許與潛在需求,針對軟硬體環境、使用動機、系統親和易用性、教材資源等方面提出具體建議,期能作為未來各大專校院改善數位學習系統與製作教材資源之參考。
The prevalence of education and improvement of welfare system for people with disabilities have granted students with disabilities the admission for higher education. Moreover, the prosperity of Internet enables the teaching approaches with e-learning system to break the spatiotemporal boundary and to provide teaching materials with multimedia models. Therefore many colleges and universities start to actively engage in developing applied e-learning system for teaching support. The diversity in teaching materials for e-learning provides students with selection on suitable teaching materials in accordance with their habitual senses and learning models. Furthermore, e-learning system will help them to enhance learning performance. However, due to the limitation of inability to provide a barrier free Internet access from the e-learning system interface or the lack of multimedia teaching materials, students with disabilities will have to spend more time on groping and adapting to the teaching materials than the normal students. It will result in higher level of digital gap between the students if the disabled students could not access to the teaching material with ease. The study emphasizes on the demand and conditions of usage for the e-learning system among students with disabilities, assisting the e-leaning system for students with disabilities in universities to return to mainstream study and overcoming the troubles encountered by using the e-learning system. Hence, the study takes the case study on the Blackboard e-learning system from National Taiwan Normal University, with the approach of purposive sampling on selection of nine students from sensory disability in visually impaired, hearing impaired and physically impaired (cerebral palsy) from National Taiwan Normal University. The study approaches mainly with semi-structured and in-depth interviews and is supplemented by participant observations to understand the application of e-learning system, the provision of teaching resources, the difficulties encountered and the potential demand for the system in university students with disabilities. The study discovered that university students with disabilities approved that e-learning system will result in a great help in courses learning. However, due to unclear information channel, unfamiliarity with the system operation, lack of motivation for using the system, or lack of relevant software and hardware, some students with disabilities might have been influenced on their performance from assisted learning system. From the perspective of system interface design, despite the category and level of disabilities, most students tend to favor in screen with larger fonts, cleaner and simpler system layout. They prefer simple and intuitive click button for names and designs for icons to be expressed. Moreover, the different demands on selection of teaching material resources with multimedia presentation will be subject to individual disability and adaptive learning model. Consequently, by taking the different categories of disability, levels of disability and individual demand from students with disabilities into account, the system should provide teaching material resources with the interface of multi-functions and multi-media presentation. Blackboard e-learning system of National Taiwan Normal University does not differentiate the user interface for normal students and students with disabilities. If it can provide a cyber environment of barrier-free access for normal students and students with disabilities to exchange their learning on the same platform interface, they will be able to understand and interact more. Furthermore, normal students will be able to share the resources of special demand for students with disabilities to elaborate the maximum achievement for system of assistant learning. This study bases on the expectation and potential demand of e-learning system for students with disabilities and makes specific suggestions by aiming the hardware and software environment, motivation of using, system user-friendliness and resources of teaching materials. It anticipates that it will be a reference for improvement of e-learning system and teaching material resources making for all colleges and universities in the near future.



大學身心障礙生, 數位學習系統, Blackboard數位學習系統, university students with disabilities, e-learning system, Blackboard Academic Suite

