

摘要 本研究在於探討新課程所帶來教學上的新概念,觀測教師們在實施教學時所遭遇到的衝擊、容納、適應及改變的過程,並藉由這些行為的表現,去解析教學文化本質和了解進行改革成敗的關鍵因素。 教學文化是指教師在學校社群裡從事教育工作,在那種環境下以一定的模式運作,就會形成一些共同特質。經過一段時間自然會形成一種習慣,叫做教學文化慣性。在平常的日子,教學文化慣性可以使教學穩定的進行,但是在環境改變時,要作「適應」和「應變」就會備感辛苦。 研究結果顯示:(1)教學文化慣性確實會不利於教育改革。(2)九年一貫課程在國民中學實施三年來,確實有一些改變之成效,但是效果不大。要使改革成果較大則改革的動力必須要大,外界的條件也要跟著配合改變,否則改革不會成功。 在學校中,若是有些措施配合,相信會對新課程的推動頗有助益:(1)建立「學習性的學校文化」(2)建立教學資源的開發、發現及應用(3)鼓勵教師嘗試採行「以學生為主體」的教學模式及做好教學評量(4)鼓勵學生作自主性、自發性的學習。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the new concept on teaching resulting from the practicing of new courses and to observe the impact, incorporation, and the process of accommodation and change which teachers meet when teaching, and to analyze the essence of teaching culture and understand the key factor causing success and failure of the educational reformation. Teaching culture means that teachers teach at the social group of school and the fixed operation mode under that environment brings about some common traits, which during a period of time will naturally form a kind of habit called “habitual mode of teaching culture.” In daily life, “habitual mode of teaching culture” enables teaching to proceed stably, but when the environment changes, it will be very hard to “accommodate” and “make an appropriate change.” The research outcome indicates: (1) Habitual mode of teaching culture certainly does harm to educational reformation. (2) The Grade1-9 Integrated curriculum indeed makes some changes but not enormously during the three years of its practice in junior high school. To make this reformation more influential, the motive power must be large, and the outer conditions must change simultaneously. Otherwise, the educational reformation won’t succeed. In the school, it is believed that some appropriate policies are beneficial to the practice of new courses: (1) Establish learning culture of school. (2) Establish development, discovery, and application of teaching resources. (3) Encourage teachers to try to adopt “student-oriented” teaching mode and make a fair grading. (4) Encourage students to learn independently and actively.



教學文化, 教學文化慣性





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