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緒論: 近年來由於跆拳道競賽規則的修改以及電子護具的感應計分方式,使得滑步側踩成為現今跆拳道主要的踢擊動作,因此本研探討優秀與次優秀選手執行不同高度滑步側踩運動學、動力學以及肌肉活化的差異,從中找出滑步側踩的特徵做為訓練與戰術運用之參考。方法:本研究招募20名大專跆拳道選手,優秀組與次優秀組各10名,依據全國競賽成績前六名為優秀組,未達到前六名則為次優秀組,選手執行滑步側踩動作高度依據實驗參與者肚臍至胸口之高度,上端高度為實驗參與者下顎之高度。利用紅外線高速攝影機、測力板、肌電感測器以及KP&P電子護具收集資料,以獨立樣本t檢定分別考驗優秀組與次優秀組的差異。結果: (一) 準備時間與執行時間,優秀組小於次優秀組。(二)準備期臀中肌、腓腸肌、股直肌、股外側肌活化,優秀組大於次優秀組。(三)發力率大小,優秀組大於次優秀組(四)上端滑步側踩準備期髖關節外展角速度,優秀組大於次優秀組(五)上端滑步側踩質心晃動距離,優秀組小於次優秀組。結論: (一)優秀組滑步側踩表現優於次優秀組。(二)準備期是影響選手執行滑步側踩執行時間長短的主要關鍵因素。(三)準備期階段臀中肌、腓腸肌、股直肌、股外側肌的活化順序與大小影響選手滑步側踩準備時間的關鍵。(四)踢擊期階段臀中肌、臀大肌的活化大小影響踢擊期身體質心的穩定。(五)優秀組執行上端滑步側踩質心晃動比次優秀組穩定(六)未來訓練時增加選手臀中肌、臀大肌是提升滑步側踩表現的關鍵。
In recent years, the sliding side kick has become the major Taekwondo kicking action. The aims of this study were to investigate differences between elite and subelite athletes when performing sliding side kicks at different heights, and to identify the features of sliding side kicks as references for strategy choices. This study recruited 20 college Taekwondo athletes, with 10 each assigned to the elite and subelite group. Athletes performed sliding side kicks at a height between their chest and bellybutton (sliding side kick to the torso), and high kicks to the level of the chin (sliding side kick to the head). Data were collected using infra-red cameras, force plates, electromyography sensors, and KP&P electronic protective gear. Results showed that the muscle activations and rate of force development were higher in the elite group during the preparation phase. In addition to the preparation time, execution time and center of mass excursion elite group were significant lesser than subelite. (p<.05). In the conclusion, the preparation stage was the primary factor affecting the athlete’s execution time when performing sliding side kicks. The activation of the gluteus medium, gastrocnemius, rectus femoris, and vastus lateralis were the key factors affecting the athlete’s preparation time when performing sliding side kicks. This study suggests that athletes need to design more program to training gluteus medium to improve sliding side kick performance. Furthermore, future studies can detect the features of the action during the preparation stage based on differences sliding distance.



滑步側踩, 肌肉活化, 質心位移, sliding side kick, muscular activation, center of mass excursions

