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在原住民的傳統文化中,「祭典儀式」可說是其文化的核心,談論儀式,不免牽扯到宗教部分。然而在儀式過程中,「音樂」被視為不可或缺的一環,透過音樂的表現,將人與人、人與自然、人與超自然之間的關係緊密結合,增強並延續儀式之行為及氣氛。在現今所有原住民族的祭典活動中,被廣為人知的莫過於阿美族的豐年祭,熱鬧歡騰的歌舞場面,總是吸引不少觀光客與媒體的目光,但它不僅被當作一種形式的展現手法,在以外人眼光解讀的載歌載舞表演型態背後,阿美人藉著音樂來建立與神之間的溝通橋樑,其表演方式、內容都隱藏著更深層的信仰觀。 本文主要研究花蓮縣阿美族Ilisin(豐年祭)音樂之現況,以位於花蓮縣豐濱鄉港口村的港口部落為研究對象。港口部落是一個歷史悠久的古老部落,由於地理位置的偏僻,加上部落的保守作風,港口部落保留了較傳統的豐年祭祭儀內容,包括儀式過程與所使用的歌曲。惟近年來社會型態變遷影響,造成部落年輕族群大量外流,不僅對儀式中音樂的使用情形產生影響,也面臨音樂文化傳承上的危機。本文透過對這些現象進行多面向的探討,以呈現港口部落豐年祭音樂之發展現況。 本文撰寫擬分六個章節:第一章,緒論部分,說明研究動機與目的、研究對象與研究方法,並回顧其相關文獻。第二章,介紹港口部落的阿美族,此章為阿美族港口部落之一般民族誌探討。第三章,論述港口阿美豐年祭之祭儀與音樂,此章論述港口阿美豐年祭之祭儀內容與豐年祭音樂分析,透過田野調查資料的分析整理,將港口部落豐年祭之祭儀面貌建立起來,並針對豐年祭音樂進行分析探討。第四章,論述港口阿美豐年祭中人、儀式與音樂之關係,此章為第三章之延續,在經過第三章對豐年祭音樂的分析後,試從音樂的文化面向對豐年祭音樂進行探討。第五章,為港口阿美豐年祭音樂之現況探討,本章主要探討港口部落在經歷殖民時期以及文化全球化後,音樂所呈現的面貌及所面臨的危機。第六章,結論部分,此部分為全文總述,加入筆者的一點建議,並提出未來繼續研究的可能方向,供讀者參考。
In the traditional cultures of aborigines, "Ritual" is the core. When we talk about the ritual, it comes to religions. However, in the course of the ritual, "Music" is considered an indispensable part of the performance. Through music, people to people, human beings and nature, man and the relationship between the supernatural can be closely integrated with each other to strengthen the behavior and atmosphere of ritual. Today, the most famous festival of aborigines would be Ilisin of Amis, it always attracted many tourists and media with the lively songs and dances. But it was not only used as a form of show, the Amis created a kind of communication with God by music, and a manner of a performance and the contents are hidden deeper faith concept. It’s a paper discussing the status of Ilisin music of Amis which in the Hualien County. I picked up the GangKou village, Fengbin Country, Hualien County, as the object of study. GangKou tribe is a long history of ancient tribes, as the remote location, and conservative tribal living style, the GangKou tribe keeping the more traditional contents of Ilisin ritual, including the ritual process and the process used by the songs. However, the young people are outflow cause the society is changing generation by generation. It is not only impacting on the music of ritual, but also crisis of cultural heritage. In this paper, we discuss these phenomena to present situation of the development in the Ilisin music of the GangKou tribe. This paper including six chapters: Chapter I, Introduction. It is discussing about motivation, purpose, subjects and research methods of the research. Chapter II, the GangKou tribe of the Amis. This chapter is for the general ethnography of GangKou tribe. Chapter III, discuss with the Ilisin ritual and an analysis of music of GangKou tribe. Chapter IV, the Ilisin on the GangKou tribe of Amis, the relationship between human beings , music and rituals. After the research in chapter III, this chapter is talking about the Ilisin music of culture aspect. Chapter V, the status of Ilisin music of the GangKou tribe. This chapter presents the aspect of music and the crisis after the colonial period and cultural globalization. Chapter VI, Conclusion. Beside the conclusion of the research, I present some suggestions for the direction in the future for the readers.



原住民, 阿美族, 儀式, 豐年祭, 豐年祭音樂, 年齡階級, 現況研究, aborigines, Amis, ritual, Ilisin, Ilisin music, age state, status study

