

先前研究指出,單字可藉由閱讀或聽的過程中有效習得,然而針對聽、閱讀或同時聽讀等方式習得單字的相關比較卻相當有限。故本研究旨在探討不同的聽讀學習方式與文類的搭配對於單字習得的影響。 本研究以三班高二的學生為實驗對象,共計一百二十一人。施測教材為兩篇不同文體之文章,分別為「敘述文(故事體)」與「說明文」。教學方式共有三種:(1)唯讀:藉由閱讀文章之過程來學習。(2)唯聽:藉由聆聽文章之過程來學習。(3)聽讀:閱讀之過程中,輔以老師的逐句朗讀來學習。為探討不同聽讀方式與文類搭配之學習成效,三班學生分別以上述三種聽讀方式進行學習,每班再各分為兩組,分別由「敘述文」與「說明文」來學習。共計六組。為測量學習成效,進行三次單字測驗。測驗內容為英翻中測驗(recall test)與單字選填測驗(recognition test)。而三次測驗分別為:施測前一週之前測(pretest),施測後之後測(immediate posttest),施測過一週之追蹤測(delayed posttest)。另於後測結束後,請受試學生填寫問卷,以輔助評估學習時的動機、專注力、焦慮度以及對教材的理解度,作為分析之參考依據。 本研究結果指出,不同的聽讀學習方式對於單字的習得有顯著影響。唯讀及聽讀組的學生在單字學習上比唯聽組顯著優異。而一週後的追蹤測發現,三組在英翻中的單字測驗上沒有顯著差異,然而在單字選填的測驗上,唯讀組及聽讀組的表現依舊顯著優於唯聽組。但就學習保留率來說,唯聽組表現最佳,有極高的保留率;相較之下,另外兩組卻有顯著遺忘。此研究中,上述三種學習法在敘述文與說明文中的成效無顯著差異。此外,問卷分析的結果顯示,本實驗受試者於施測時的學習動機、專注力及焦慮度和單字學習成效並未呈現顯著相關。然而,學習者對於文章的理解度和單字學習成果卻有顯著相關。針對以上發現,本研究分別統整出不同聽讀學習方式對於單字習得的影響,並於最後提供教學上的運用策略及後續研究的方向。
Reading and listening have been recognized as effective sources for vocabulary learning. However, few studies compared these two learning sources as well as a combination of the two in vocabulary learning. This study attempted to examine the effects of different input treatments (i.e. reading, listening, and a combination of reading and listening) on vocabulary learning and retention across genres. Participants of this study were 121 senior high school students in Taiwan, separately assigned to three input treatments: learning from reading, listening, and a combination of reading and listening. Each treatment group was further divided into two subgroups learning from either a narrative or an expository text. A pretest, a posttest, and a one-week delayed posttest were administered to measure vocabulary gains and retention. Besides, a post-experiment questionnaire was designed to measure the degrees of motivation, anxiety, attention, and comprehensibility induced by different treatments. Results of this study show that input treatments had significant effects on vocabulary learning. Students who received the reading treatment (i.e., reading the text silently) or the combined treatment (i.e., simultaneously reading and listening to the text) learned significantly more target words than those under the listening treatment. One week after the treatment, students under the reading treatment and the combined treatment of reading and listening still retained significantly more words than those under the listening treatment on the test of vocabulary recognition. However, the listening treatment displayed a high rate of retention while the other two treatments revealed substantial decay of the learned words. In addition, the effects of input treatments did not vary with different text types in this study. Analyses of the post-experiment questionnaire indicated that vocabulary scores correlated significantly with the comprehensibility of the texts, but not with motivation, attention, and anxiety states. At the end of the thesis, discussion on the effects of different input treatments is presented, followed by implications and suggestions for future research.



字彙學習, 閱讀, 文類, 故事體, 說明文, Vocabulary learning, Reading, genre, narrative text, expository text





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