Place names represent the features of contemporary social life. Taking Jin-Shan District and Wan-Li District of New Taipei City, Taiwan as the study area, this research analyzes the distribution of place names to explain the developmental features of different stages. Following the geographical tradition of human-environment interactions, this investigation focuses on the formation and evolution of the place names, and also illustrates the characteristics of this region. During the Qing Dynasty, people made a living by farming, fishing, and mining; the connection with other villages was rare. Thus, the place names of this period showed the inner caused rural development. Although the circumstances remained the same under Japanese rule, the meaning of place names had changed since 1980s. After 1980s, Jin-Shan and Wan-Li devoted in leisure industries; therefore, place names of this time showed outer caused rural development. The study constructs the data of place names by analyzing the quantity, spatial range and reference to reflect the change of inner and outer development.
Place names represent the features of contemporary social life. Taking Jin-Shan District and Wan-Li District of New Taipei City, Taiwan as the study area, this research analyzes the distribution of place names to explain the developmental features of different stages. Following the geographical tradition of human-environment interactions, this investigation focuses on the formation and evolution of the place names, and also illustrates the characteristics of this region. During the Qing Dynasty, people made a living by farming, fishing, and mining; the connection with other villages was rare. Thus, the place names of this period showed the inner caused rural development. Although the circumstances remained the same under Japanese rule, the meaning of place names had changed since 1980s. After 1980s, Jin-Shan and Wan-Li devoted in leisure industries; therefore, place names of this time showed outer caused rural development. The study constructs the data of place names by analyzing the quantity, spatial range and reference to reflect the change of inner and outer development.
地名, 鄉村發展, 空間分布, 人地互動, 金山, 萬里, place name, rural development, spatial range, human-environment interaction, Jin-Shan, Wan-Li