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語言學習的本質仰賴於字彙,在近代的研究中可以發現,英語字彙的學習著重與情境的結合,英語字彙的學習與使用也需在對話與情境中才能更加精熟。因此,在英語字彙學習上,有必要將行動與情境感知技術作更深入的整合,利用行動載具來進行行動式情境感知的字彙學習。而透過形成性評量的工具,更可有效地提升學習者的學習成效,並適時導正學習上的錯誤觀念。 本研究首先蒐集並分析行動學習所具備的特性與相關功能,並針對英語字彙學習策略做整理與歸納,以作為發展本研究系統的理論基礎。結合形成性評量方法,建置行動式英語字彙學習系統。教學實驗以台北市某國中一年級共103名學生為實驗對象,隨機取一班為實驗組A,進行具形成性評量機制行動式英語字彙學習系統教學;另一班為實驗組B,進行不具形成性評量的行動式英語字彙學習系統教學;第三班則為控制組,實施一般傳統教學。 根據實驗後的統計分析,使用具形成性評量機制行動式英語字彙學習系統進行學習的學習者,其學習成效顯著優於其他兩組;在學習保留上,實驗組兩組亦顯著優於控制組。實驗組兩組的學生皆表示對此種學習方法感興趣,亦希望能應用此種學習方式於其他的學科教學之中。
The fundamental of language learning relies on vocabulary. In the recent researches, it can be easily to find that learning English vocabulary is combined with situations inseparably; therefore, learning and applying English vocabulary in the dialogs and situations have to be more accurate and practical. It is essential to integrate mobile techniques with context awareness deeply and to progress vocabulary learning with mobile context awareness by utilizing mobile devices. By applying formative assessment instrument, learning effect can be enhanced greatly, and incorrect learning concepts can be mortified timely. First of all, this study collected and analyzed the characteristics and functions of the mobile learning and it is focused on organizing and summarizing the strategies of learning English vocabulary to establish the fundamental theory in this research system. Moreover, by executing formative assessment methods, the mobile learning system in English vocabulary can be formed specifically. The subjects included 103 7th grade students from 3 classes and they were randomly divided into 3 groups: the experimental group A, which conducting a mobile learning system in English vocabulary with the formative assessment; the experimental group B, which conducting a mobile learning system in English vocabulary without the formative assessment; and the control group, which conducting the traditional lecturing. According to the statistical analysis of the experiments, the learners who were instructed by the mobile learning system in English vocabulary with the formative assessment had specific learning effect than other groups. In the aspect of learning retention, two experiment groups had better achievement than the control group. The students from two experiment groups were all interested in this learning method which they had been conducted; furthermore, they would like to comprehend other subjects by executing this teaching technique.



行動學習, 英語字彙學習, 形成性評量, 情境感知, mobile Learning, English vocabulary learning, formative assessment, context awareness





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