賽夏語的子句間關係: 角色與指稱語法的分析

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本研究調查賽夏語裡面的並存動詞(juxtaposed verbs)。賽夏是台灣南島語裡面的一個分支,此語言有著大量的此種結構。其中,兩個(或以上)動詞共同出現在一個句子裡面,但無子句或詞組分界的標記,因此其句法地位不甚明確。此議題值得詳究。該模糊的語法現象可從兩個研究方向切入。第一,這些並存動詞的句法地位為何?第二,這些動詞應該被分析為何種構式(constructions)? 為了解決這兩個問題,本研究訂立了兩個研究目標。在首要研究目標中,本研究使用角色指稱語法 (Role and Reference Grammar in Van Valin& LaPolla 1997, Van Valin 2005 and Van Valin 2007) 中的一個分析架構:並存動詞的子句間關係(interclausal relations),來分析並存動詞的結構。這個架構的分析面相包含了三個層次:語意關係(semantic relations),接合單位-聯繫關係組合 (juncture-nexus combinations),以及語意和句法之間的介面。在第二研究目標中,本研究要根據子句間關係和語法特徵,來對這些並存動詞的構式(constructions)做出分類。 這兩個面向的研究,亦即(一)接合單位-聯繫關係組合和(二)構式的分類,發現賽夏語兩處語法上的特殊點。首先,並存動詞主要出現在子句 (clausal)和大核心接合(core junctures),但較少出現在小核心結合(nuclear juncture)。而且,大多數的並存動詞為附屬關係(subordination)與並附關係(cosubordination)。相較之下並列關係(coordination)則尚未被證實。第二,本研究更發現在賽夏語裡面,大核心接合層級的並存動詞,比其他兩個接合層級,擁有較多種類的語法構式。 嚴格來講,賽夏語並不能被視為連續動詞語言(serializing languges)。主要原因在於,大部分的並存動詞並不能被判定為連續動詞構式(serial verb constructions),而只有少數並存動詞被判定為該類構式。因此連續動詞構式在本文所探討的眾多賽夏複雜句構式裡面,並不是一個主要的語法特徵,而是僅只其中一種。
This dissertation investigates juxtaposed verbs in Saisiyat, an Austronesian language of Taiwan. This language exhibits a pervasive phenomenon whereby multiple verbs, which share core arguments, are aligned in a sentence without explicit marking of clausal or phrasal boundary. Such a linguistic pattern gives rise to two questions. First, what is the syntactic status of these juxtaposed verbs? Second, which grammatical constructions do these juxtaposed verbs belong to? To solve these two questions, we want to reach the following goals. The first is to clarify interclausal relations of juxtaposed verbs based on Van Valin& LaPolla (1997), Van Valin (2005) and Van Valin (2007). Three components of interclausal relations are examined, including semantic relations, juncture-nexus combinations and the interface between these two linguistic components, that is the interface between semantics and syntactic structures. The second goal is to classify these juxtaposed verbs into specific grammatical constructions on the basis of their interclausal relations and grammatical properties. Saisiyat exhibits two linguistic idiosyncrasies in terms of (i) the semantic-syntactic interface and (ii) the correspondence between juncture-nexus combinations and grammatical constructions. First, the majority of juxtaposed verbs examined in this dissertation represent the clausal and core junctures, and a minority to the nuclear juncture. Most of juxtaposed verbs display subordination and cosubordination, and none of them exhibits coordination. Second, juxtaposed verbs in the core juncture exhibit more types of constructions than the juxtaposed verbs in the other two junctures. Saisiyat cannot be viewed as a serializing language in a strict sense. Only a small number of semantic relations are expressed through serial verb constructions, while a large number of them are manifested in other types of complex constructions e.g., construction of verbal modifiers and complementation. That is to say, serial verb constructions are not a dominating feature of the complex constructions investigated in this study.



賽夏語, 台灣南島語, 並存動詞, 子句間關係, 複雜句結構, 角色與指稱語法, Saisiyat, juxtaposed verbs, interclausal relations, juncture-nexus combinations, complex sentences, Role and Reference Grammar, Formosan





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