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贗品,始終被視為藝術市場最大的問題。台灣畫廊產業曾經就贗品氾濫造成的市場衝擊,多次進行檢討與呼籲。贗品問題之研究,無論是站在藝術產業、收藏家、文化政策面,都是一個嶄新的領域。尤其將它放在文化經濟角度來觀察,更具有創新的意義。 在源自1980年代油畫贗品發生的脈絡中,我曾經以業者身分經歷多起贗品事件,對我而言,如何保持客觀的立場,提綱挈領,是首要工作。以畫廊業的觀點來看市場問題,則可以更準確描述問題癥結所在。由於我在經營畫廊時特別重視行銷,所以本文在分析贗品的誘因、以及市場何以走入畸形發展時,也加入藝術行銷、品牌經營的概念,以全新的角度來探討贗品與市場的因果關係。 本文第二章,從台灣的油畫市場看贗品的歷史背景、誘因、歷年發生的贗品事件以及影響例如:產生信心危機與市場畸形發展等,同時研究贗品的製造與鑑定技術。第三章,觀察各界對贗品的立場,如產官學界對贗品處理的方式、爭議性作品的法律處理、業界面對贗品時所扮演的角色等。第四章,從品牌行銷看贗品與市場的因果關係。第五章結論,最後建議建立政府官方、法律與藝術互動機制,以及藝術品鑑定中心和藝術資料庫。 市場存在偽作者與鑑定者技術的競賽,台灣的贗品糾紛頻傳,產官學界的立場與態度往往是問題的關鍵。由於油畫贗品的產銷涉及刑責,本文在撰寫的時候,最困難的部分也落在法律面。本研究重點不是鑑定、或法律,所以對於本文所稱為贗品者,泛指無法證明為真跡的作品,相關資料引自126篇以上報紙輿論的撰述,希望拋磚引玉,作為後續研究的基礎。 近年,文化經濟熱門,經濟學者費里說:「沒有健全的經濟基礎,藝術無法生存;沒創造力,經濟無法繁榮。」,「人們仿製最渴望的事物」。贗品是市場興盛的產物,贗品問題是市場不健全的結果。為了藝術市場的健全,所有參予者:藝術家、畫廊、拍賣公司、收藏家、美術館,都有維護油畫市場整體利益的責任。
Fake art has been flooding in the Taiwan market. The headache of fake art has debated and impacted on the art market over several decades. Collectors have slightly lost confidence in oil painting; because of the fakes issues exist on the market. This research on fake art in the Taiwan oil painting market represents a new approach from the different points of viewing on the national culture policy, art industry and collectors perspectives, especial on culture economy, that there will be a significant meaning on this research. In 1980, the starting time of fake art in Taiwan, I had experienced to buy the forgery of art works, that I operated the private gallery. Being an operator of art gallery, this research paper will be written in objective points of view and provide more critical key points to the fake art issues. To emphasis on the marketing strategy, that is I run the business style of private gallery so that this research will analysis on the forgery of inducement and how the fake art comingto the market and being abnormal situation. Besides, the research will discuss on the marketing of oil paintings and the brand name concept in the art market. The purpose of this research will illustrate the fake art issues and discuss the relation of the cause and effect in Taiwan art market. In Chapter 2, the research presents the history and background of fake art, which describes in detail on the real cases and inducement of fake art, also the impact on the market such as the low confidence and irregular phenomenon. Meanwhile, this paper will make an inquiry into the production of forgery and the technologies and authentication on the fake art. The Chapter three reflects the issue laws and regulations to safeguard the credibility of oil painting art in Taiwan. There are no specific laws dealing with the arts market and arts collection. Chapter four presents the marketing of brand name on fake art and the relation of the cause and effect in art market. Chapter five makes a conclusion and provide the precise suggestions, that build up the interactive mechanism of government, law and art stakeholders, also the establishment on the center of art accreditation and art database. In the absence of credible information from private and public sectors, the fake art has been flooding in the Taiwan market. The position of government, art agency and academic institute on this fake art problems is major influent stakeholders. People should be punished for selling of fake art in a serious criminal law. In this research, one of the most difficulties on the law issues However, this research do not focus on the accreditation or law, so that the definition of forgery is “the unproven real artwork” and all of the relating information is quoted by more than 126 articles in newspaper reports, that will be initialized to the data base in the future research. Recently, the economics and culture become hot topics. "Without a sound economic base, art cannot exist, and without creativity the economy cannot flourish." say Bruno S. Frey . "Each society, each generation, fakes the thing it covets most" (Jones 1990, p. 13). Fake art is the product of flourishing market. The problem of fake art is the unhealthy market .For the health of market, all of the stakeholders ( Artist, Private Gallery, auction companies, collectors, Gallery Museum) must to maintain the whole benefit of oil painting market.



贗品, 藝術市場, 收藏家, 畫廊, 拍賣, 油畫鑑定, 文化經濟, 藝術行銷, 品牌, Forgery, Fake, Art marketplace, Collectors, Gallery, Auction, Authentication of oil painting, Economics and Culture, Marketing of ART, Brand Name





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