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現行的華語文教材漢英對照並列是一種普遍的使用現象。本研究主要目的係為進行教材漢英對照,找出《實用視聽華語》第一冊中,對應譯文產生的病句類型,以期爾後可應用於編纂教材與華語教學,遞減以教材內英語譯文作為漢語輸出及理解輔助之學習者可能面臨的困難。 本文依James(1998)語言偏誤形式、Jen﹝任長慧﹞(2001)漢語教學中的偏誤分析、李辛(1993)漢譯英常見錯誤,以及陳俊光(2007)語言功能性對比為主要架構,分析《實用視聽華語》第一冊之漢英譯文表現情形。論文主要方向為質性研究與闡釋性論述,首先檢視相關的文獻,分析歸納,並配合訪談方式蒐集教材譯文病句語料。本論文從研究語料得出:「形式」上的病句類型可分為遺漏、誤加、誤代、錯序、句式雜揉;「功能」方面可由篇章銜接、主述題與焦點關係、時態與時貌切入;其餘傾向於文化、語用之語料,則另行列編為「其他」一項,如:稱謂、詞彙空缺、語用文化褒貶不一致、答非所問等等。 教材中的漢英對比並可由詞彙、句法、篇章、語用四個層面探討,而各層面在翻譯過程中,形式與功能上皆產生了病句。其中,在形式方面以「誤代」類型為多;在功能方面則是忽略「篇章銜接」病句分布最廣,遍及詞、句、篇章和語用層面。為了更深入地探討語言各層面對於漢英翻譯之影響,本文再以漢英被動句為綜合對比分析論述之例,最終更以三則課文作譯文對比綜觀。 教學應用上,本文以研究所得出四層面可能發生的翻譯病句類型為依據,設計一課堂輔助教學教材與課後實例應用學習單,加強篇章語法的學習,並透過此套華語教學的運用說明,提出翻譯建議。本文認為,教材內的譯文對照是一種學習工具,工欲善其事,必先利其器;雖然不能以譯文作為教學的主軸或唯一學習憑藉,然而應該配合適度之對比,進行輔助教學,才能成功地引導學生在目的語輸出,不流於僵化的語言對應。 翻譯建議上,本文認為必須先確立翻譯的目的為何,遵循忠實(faithfulness)、外籍學生接受度(acceptation)兩大原則,審慎處理信息焦點(information focus)在漢英互譯中的地位,等效翻譯、功能對等(functional equivalence),以意合為主,形合為輔。
Chinese-English translation in the textbooks is a common occurrence in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language. This study focuses on the Chinese-to-English translation in Practical Audio-Visual Chinese textbook 1. The positive transfer by the analysis in which the translation would be of help to English-CSL learners and the teachers is expected. This study is based on the framework of formal error typology, error analysis in Chinese language acquisition, common errors in Chinese-English translation, and functional equivalence proposed by James(1998), Jen(2001), Lixin(1993), and Chen(2007), respectively. The study is a qualitative research, aiming at the Chinese-English translation in the textbook. Interview of native speakers is used as the instrument for the explanatory investigation. The findings of the present research show that the formal error typology includes omission, addition, mis-selection, disordering, and blends. The functionally equivalent errors are composed of three categories – “cohesion”, “topic-comment structure and focus”, and “tense and aspect”. Others are related to culture or pragmatics, such as “title”, “judgment”, etc. Additionally, the levels of comparison ranging from semantics, syntax, discourse and pragmatics are discussed. The use of passive voice shift between Chinese and English is further analyzed. Seven factors that influence the passive voice transfer are proposed in the present paper. According to the analysis results, three abstract articles from the textbook are taken as the examples in order to verify whether the translations are functional equivalence or not. The author has designed a practical lesson plan as a contrastive illusion based on the Chinese and English translation investigation in the present research. As the end of this study, the researcher has also expressed an opinion on translation. Every writer should be aware of the reason why articles are translated. Faithfulness and acceptation are two critical principles that should be followed.



等效翻譯, 語言類型學, 篇章銜接, 主述題結構, 信息焦點, functional equivalence, linguistic typology, discourse cohesion, topic-comment structure, information focus

