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本研究主旨在探討新北市某區域教學醫院之糖尿病病人健康促進生活型態相關因素,研究工具為糖尿病認知、心理壓力調適、健康促進生活型態量表。主要以醫院門診病人,並診斷糖尿病為研究對象,進行面對面訪談問卷收集資料,有效樣本共得239份。研究結果如下: 一、本研究糖化血色素(≦7)占42.3%,血糖控制情形算普通。 二、糖尿病的認知,總答對率為75.38%,30-49歲、教育程度較高、 已婚、有運動習慣者,優於70-79歲、教育程度較低、喪偶、無 運動習慣病人。 三、糖尿病造成心理壓力調適的程度尚可,研究對象對壓力的調適是 趨於正向的,而運動情形及治療方式對心理壓力調適有顯著差異。 四、研究對象的健康促進生活型態(HPLP)屬於尚可,以生命欣賞得 分最高,運動行為與減少風險得分較低,表示研究對象對個人的 自信很好但運動習慣不足。 五、研究對象其糖尿病的壓力調適越好,疾病認知越好,健康生活型 態也越佳。 六、預測健康促進生活型態(HPLP)的變項有「抽菸」、「飲食狀況」、 「每週運動」、「罹病時間」、「血糖自我監測」、「糖尿病認知」、「心 理壓力調適」等七個變項達顯著影響力,可解釋總變異量56%。 七、迴歸分析結果顯示「健康促進生活型態」可有效預測血糖控制 情形,可解釋總變異量的9.7%。
This study aims to discuss relevant factors that are involved in the assessment of Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile of patients with diabetes in a regional teaching hospital in New Taipei City. Research tools include cognition in diabetes, psychological pressure adjustment, and health-promoting lifestyle profile scale. The study mainly took hospital outpatients diagnosed with diabetes as the research object, to collect data using face to face interview questionnaires. A total of 239 valid samples were obtained. The results are described as follows: 1. In this study, patients whose glycated hemoglobin level were ≦ 7 accounted for 42.3%, the glycemic control was ordinary. 2. Regarding the cognition in diabetes, the total correct rate of questions was 75.38%, patients who were 30-49 years old, highly educated, married, and having exercise habits had a higher correct rate than patients who were 70-79 years old, less educated, widowed, and without exercise habits. 3.The degree of adjustment of psychological stress caused by diabetes appeared moderate. Research objects tended to make positive pressure adjustments, but there was significant difference in psychological pressure adjustments regarding different exercise habits and treatment modalities. 4.The conditions in Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) of research objects appeared moderate. The highest score fell on life appreciation behavior, and the lowest score was on exercise behavior and risk-reducing behaviors, showing that research objects had a healthy level of self-confidence but lacked of exercise. 5.The better the research objects adjusted to diabetes caused pressure and cognized the disease, the healthier lifestyle they lived. 6.Seven variables in the prediction of Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) included "smoking", "diet", "weekly exercise", "time since diagnosis", "self-monitoring of blood glucose" ,"cognition in diabetes", and "psychological pressure adjustment", which had a significant influence and explainable total variance of 56%. 7.Regression analysis results showed that "health-promoting lifestyle profile" can effectively predict glycemic control, with 9.7% of explainable total variance.



糖尿病, 健康促進生活型態, diabetes, health-promoting lifestyle





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