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本研究旨在探討於95暫綱課程架構中,職業學校推動學校本位課程之發展運作現況以及推動學校本位課程所產生之阻礙與因應策略。為達研究目的,本研究採取質性研究方法,選取臺北市八所職業學校廣告設計科為本研究之研究對象,透過訪談與文件蒐集作為蒐集資料的方式。綜合研究目的、文獻探討,與研究結果之分析,本研究所獲致的結論如下: 一、學校本位課程為由下而上之草根式課程發展程序與規劃,有助於職業學校發展特色。 二、社會對職業學校定位的改變,以致部分學校課程架構偏離技職教育軌道,職業教育由終結教育轉變為準備教育,升學導向恐加速職業教育普通化。課程不符合職校學生所需,將抑制社會流動。 三、課程規劃多以學生升學與教師專長為主要考量方向,且課程設計多依循舊經驗與方式進行。校訂科目時數不足,並未真正鬆綁。 四、新課程配套措施不完全,其發展受場地、設備等資源限制,又教育資源分配不均,公私立學校教育資源差距大。 五、教師研發教材教法的能力及意願,影響學校本位課程發展。教師選聘制度限制多,其能力應能和新課程與時並進。 六、技職體系課程無法順利銜接,職業教育不受重視,技藝導向學生未受到良好照顧。 最後,根據研究結論,針對學校、教育主管行政機關,與後續研究者提出相關建議。
The present study is aimed towards the discussion of the 2006 temporary class course structure. It is intended to explore the coping strategies for the obstacles faced by vocational schools in their developmental operations and the promotion of their base curriculum. For the purpose of research, this study utilizes the qualitative research method. Advertising design course of eight vocational schools in Taipei city were selected as research subjects. Interviews and document collection were the data collection methods. Together with the purpose of study, literature review, and analysis of research finding, the conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: 1、A bottom-up base curriculum development process and planning was helpful for vocational school to develop their own unique qualities. 2、Changing conceptions of vocational schoolsresulted in portions of the school curriculum being deviated from technical and vocational education. Transforming vocational education from terminal education into preparatory and academic advancement oriented education may lead to increased normalization of vocational education. Social fluidity will be inhibited if the courses do not meet the needs of vocational school students. 3、Majority of curriculum planning were primarily concerned with the students’ academic advancement and teachers’ specializations. In addition, majority of curriculum designs were governed by old experiences and methods. School appointed subject hours were insufficient, deregulation was not thorough. 4、Supplementary measures of new curriculums were incomplete due to limitations in venue and facilities resource. Imbalanced educational resource distribution had resulted in the polemic difference in available resources between public and private schools. 5、The ability and wiliness of teachers to develop teaching material and techniques influenced the schools’ base curriculum development. The teacher appointment system has many regulations thus the teacher’ abilities should be able to keep up with new curriculums. 6、The body of skills and vocational curriculum was out of touch with reality. Vocational education were ignored thus skills oriented students were not properly cared for. Finally, based on these research conclusions, corresponding suggestions were specifically made to schools, government education authorities, and future researchers.



廣告設計科, 學校本位課程, Advertising design, school base curriculum





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