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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
第一作者為學前普通班教師,在現場進行教學時,觀察到班上特殊需求學生在溝通的能力進步幅度有限。由於教師人力的限制與教師特教知能不足,常找不到適合的時機創造機會,以及運用有效的教學策略將個別化教育計畫中的溝通目標融入課程中,心有餘而力不足。本篇研究作者欲透過自學並實際執行「學前融合教育課程建構模式(Building Blocks Model)」,解決教育實務之困難。實施結果分為兩大部分做敘述:一、普通班教師運用「學前融合教育課程建構模式」之實施歷程;二、提升發展遲緩幼兒溝通能力之成效;希望透過本文之分享提供給未來融合教育現場做參考。
The first author, a general preschool teacher, observed while teaching that thestudents with special needs in the class made limited progress in their communicationskills. Due to the large teacher-student ratio and lacking of special education training,teachers often failed to find suitable opportunities to assist children with developmentaldelays in improving communication skills and were unable to apply effective teachingstrategies to incorporate Individualized Education Plans into the curriculum. In this study,the authors intended to solve the difficulties in educational practice through self-study andan attempt to put the “Building Blocks Model” into practice.The study can be illustrated in two parts: (1) the implementation process of usingthe “Building Blocks Model” from the perspective of a general education teacher, and (2)the effectiveness of improving the communication skills of children with developmentaldelays. The authors hope that this article can provide a reference for future inclusiveeducation.
The first author, a general preschool teacher, observed while teaching that thestudents with special needs in the class made limited progress in their communicationskills. Due to the large teacher-student ratio and lacking of special education training,teachers often failed to find suitable opportunities to assist children with developmentaldelays in improving communication skills and were unable to apply effective teachingstrategies to incorporate Individualized Education Plans into the curriculum. In this study,the authors intended to solve the difficulties in educational practice through self-study andan attempt to put the “Building Blocks Model” into practice.The study can be illustrated in two parts: (1) the implementation process of usingthe “Building Blocks Model” from the perspective of a general education teacher, and (2)the effectiveness of improving the communication skills of children with developmentaldelays. The authors hope that this article can provide a reference for future inclusiveeducation.