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本研究旨在探討Dewey宗教哲學及其教育蘊義,研究方法係採「教育詮釋學」研究法,並以傳統哲學的體系作為討論架構,經由形上學面向(一般形上學、特殊形上學)、認識論面向和價值論面向來釐清Dewey宗教哲學與傳統宗教哲學之差異,以及Dewey宗教哲學之特色與重要性,並加以批判。最後提出Dewey宗教哲學在教育上的實踐。研究發現,隨著Dewey的哲學從Hegel唯心主義轉向經驗自然主義,其早晚期宗教哲學亦有極大的變化。晚年成熟的宗教哲學將宗教區分為制度性宗教(Religion)以及宗教性經驗/態度(the Religious),並主張追求宗教性經驗/態度,揚棄制度性宗教。真正的宗教經驗是不需依附於宗教制度或事務上的,在日常生活經驗中都可以感受經驗的宗教本質。Dewey拒絕了超自然思想與制度性宗教,賦予「上帝」嶄新的意義:各種理想的結合、理想與現實趨於一致的關係。本研究批判其拒絕超自然思想與制度性宗教的立場,指出二者仍有其正面貢獻。 有關Dewey宗教哲學在教育上的蘊義,本研究提出對一般教育的啟示與融合Dewey宗教哲學精神的宗教教育建議。一般教育的啟示包括:教師要致力於激發學生學習興趣、建構理想便是體驗「上帝」的同在;幫助學生擁抱生命的不確定性,用科學方法平靜心靈、面對人生的問題;師生在學習中共同體驗民主、科學、藝術及生態教育中的宗教經驗;強化課程整合帶給學生更多整體性的宗教經驗。本研究認為,欲提升人民宗教智能,必須實施宗教教育課程,並提出融合Dewey宗教哲學精神的宗教教育建議,以「非認信式的」、「整合式」以及「關於宗教、來自宗教」的教育模式,做為我國未來實施宗教教育的方向。
The objective of this study is to explore the Deweyan philosophy of religion and its educational implications. The research methodology employed is the hermeneutic approach within the field of education. Traditional philosophy serves as the framework for discussion, and through the perspectives of metaphysics (general metaphysics, special metaphysics), epistemology, and axiology, the distinctions between Dewey's philosophy of religion and traditional philosophy of religion are elucidated. Additionally, the distinctive features and significance of Dewey's philosophy of religion are critically examined. Finally, the practical application of Dewey's philosophy of religion in the field of education is proposed. Research findings indicate that as Dewey's philosophy shifted from Hegelian idealism to experiential naturalism, his philosophy of religion also underwent significant changes in its early and later stages. In his mature philosophy of religion, Dewey distinguished between Religion (institutional religion) and the Religious (religious experience/ attitude), advocating for the pursuit of religious while discarding religion. According to Dewey, true religious experience does not rely on institutionalized religion or its practices but can be felt in everyday life experiences, embodying the essence of religiousness. Dewey rejected supernatural beliefs and institutionalized religion, giving a new meaning to"God" as a unification of ideal values and uniting of the ideal and actual. This study critically examines Dewey's rejection of supernatural beliefs and institutionalized religion. Regarding the educational implications of Dewey's philosophy of religion, this study presents insights for general education and proposes religious education recommendations that incorporate the spirit of Dewey's philosophy of religion. The insights for general education include the following: teachers should striveto stimulate students' interest in learning, and the construction of ideals to help students experience "God"(uniting of the ideal and actual); helping students use scientific methods to calm their minds and face life's challenges; and fostering shared experiences of religiousness in democracy, science, art, and ecological education between teachers and students. This study argues that in order to enhance people's religious intelligence, it is necessary to implement religious education curricula and presents recommendations for religious education that integrate the spirit of Dewey's philosophy of religion. These recommendations include adopting a "non-confessional," "integrative," and "about religion, from religion" educational model, which can serve as a direction for the future implementation of religious education.



Dewey宗教哲學, 宗教教育, Dewey's Philosophy of Religion, Religious Education





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