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目的:在老年人生心理相關議題中,如何減緩認知能力退化是常被關注的其中一項。本研究主要目的是透過行為表現與腦波探討桌球運動與跑走運動對老年人執行控制功能的影響。研究方法:以45位65-75歲的老年人,其中桌球運動組15位、跑走運動組15位及控制組15位,參與運動者共介入16週,一週2次每次40分鐘後。實驗參與者將於前後測各進行一次認知實驗,本研究採用作業轉換 (task switch task) ,根據其行為及腦波資料衡量老年人執行控制之認知彈性水準。結果:特殊轉換下發現桌球組前後測及情境發現主效果,且有轉換大於無轉,在接受桌球介入的老年人於作業轉換下,特殊轉換成本在後測有顯著的降低,但跑走組及控制組則沒有顯著改變,整體轉換下發現正確率有情境的主效果,本研究認為桌球為較需策略且複雜度較高的運動,因此對老年人在複雜度較高的作業上(特殊轉換作業)有顯著的進步。結論:研究用行為資料與腦波資料將運動類型介入的討論更具體,由此可知,未來老年人可以嘗試更多較需策略性質的運動,可對其認知功能有所助益。
Purpose: How to ease the degeneration of cognitive ability in the elderly individuals has been one of the major research issues in the relationship between physical exercise and cognitive function. Current study aimed to explore effects of table-tennis and run-walk exercise on the task switch performance in the elderly individuals via behavioral and neuroelectrical measures. Methods: 45 elders between 65-75 years old were assigned to table-tennis group, run-walk group, and control group. The intervention lasted 16 weeks, twice a week, each session were 40 minutes. Participants completed cognitive test in before and after test. Task switch task were used to measure flexibility of executive control of elders by behaviors and brainwave data. Results: Main effect was found in pretest, posttest and condition in table-tennis group among local switch. The cost of local switch decreased significantly from pretest to posttest in table-tennis group. However, there were no significant changes among run-walk group and control group. Conclusion: Physical exercise involving in more cognitive challenge such as table-tennis may be more beneficial to ameliorate the degenerative effect aging on cognitive flexibility in the elderly individuals. Hence, elders are suggested to try variety types of exercise regularly to reduce the detrimental effect of ageing on cognitive performance.



認知功能, 作業轉換, 身體活動, Cognitive function, task switch, physical activity





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