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本研究從自身孕育生命的體驗出發,探索生命的本質。從生物學、社會心理學、生育信仰等相關學理探究生命的源頭,同時探討女性的生育觀、生育自主權和母職之意義與價值。再經由中西藝術家之畫作與當代藝術的表現形式,分析藝術家對「孕‧生」相關題材的創作風格與內涵。從中汲取養分成為創作時的能量。 孕育生命、創造生命是女性獨特的本能與天賦,筆者將親身經歷懷胎十月、生產、哺乳等過程中的心靈感受,轉化為藝術創作的語言和符號,探索女性心靈的自我中心價值與生命發展的面貌。運用具象、抽象、圖騰象徵等形式做為構圖依據。而筆墨線條的變化、複合媒材的應用和裝裱形式的設計等,皆是筆者創作時關注的事項。 第一章緒論闡述筆者研究動機及目的等,並將本文的重要詞彙加以定義。第二章關於孕‧生學理的探討;從生物學、社會心理學、生育信仰角度探究。第三章蒐集中西繪畫相關作品;探索其藝術表現。第四章個人作品分析;說明創作理念、內涵與形式分析。並對作品深入的剖析。第五章結論;整理歸納個人創作之理念與心情及未來發展方向。期許自己能在創作上呈現多元面向並持續研究之。 杜威的美學精神強調「藝術即是經驗」,經驗來自於生活中平凡或不平凡的點點滴滴。筆者期能以身為女性創作者的立場,將這段特殊的生活經驗、孕育生命的美好感受,以水墨創作的形式,記錄下每一個階段,每一個孕期的孕育歷程,表達內心最真實的情感變化與創作思維,呈現出屬於個人的創作風格。
This research mainly begins from the experience of giving birth to a child myself. I intended to through the process to explore the essence of life. From the aspects of biology, social psychology, birth belief, I attempt to discover the origination of life, the female perspective of birth, the decision-making of birth and the mother nature. Analyzing the creation styles and inner meanings of western and eastern artists’ paintings and performances, I expect to transform the inspiration into my creation. Nutrienting and creating the life is a unique talent and distinct of women. The author will describe the real experience which is pregnant, delivery, breast-feeding and turn the emotions into artistic languages and symbols. The thesis also intends to search the self-value and evolution of life. It is based on concrete objects, abstract images, totem symbols. The author also concerns the variation of strokes, compound media materials and frame designs. The first introduction chapter expounds the thesis research motivation and purpose, defines the terminology wsed in this thesis. The second chapter explores birthing and generating from biology, social psychology, birth belief perspectives. The third chapter compares western and eastern paintings and discusses the art performances. The fouth chapter analysize my own painting works, elaborates the creation concept, connoation, froms analysis, discover my paintings works precisely. The fifth chapter is conclusion. In final chapter, I generalize my creation concepts, reflections, futue development and focal points. I wish that my creation could be more multiple and more progress. John Dewey emphasize that “ art as experience.” The experience contains every touching and impressive movements on daily life. As a female creator, I attempt to record the extraordinary life experience for bearing a wonderful child. I adopt the forms of ink painting to express true emotions and innovative thinking, also represent individual creating styles.



孕育, 生命, 母體, 母性, breeding, life, motherhood, maternity





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