

本研究旨在利用國中九年一貫社會領域與地理學習內容相關之分段能力指標,並結合網路多媒體技術,來發展國中地理線上多媒體試題;並根據師生的作答與回饋,以評估地理試題朝線上多媒體發展的可能性。本研究對象在學生的部份為九年級學生,男生46人,女生63人,共計109人;教師的部分,男性15人,女性18人,共計33人。由於本研究試題的資料庫是放在臺北市雙園國中資訊中心的電腦伺服器裡,為了瞭解為區域及網際網路登入試題系統的試題評價差異,將受測學生再區分為內部網路組及外部網路組。內部網路組為臺北市雙園國中的學生,男生34人,女生37人,共計71人;外部網路組為外校學生,男生12人,女生26人,共計38人。 本研究工具包括國中地理線上多媒體試題及師生試題評價問卷。將問卷資料進行次數分配與百分比、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及XY散圖等統計方法進行分析。。 本研究根據資料分析,獲致研究目的之結論如下: 一、地景觀察、儀器模擬操作、資料蒐集與分析、應用資訊技能製作地理相關主題的圖表,較適合用線上多媒體來命題。 二、題幹內容或情境敘述過長的試題,可用多媒體素材來取代,故適合用線上多媒體來命題。 三、實驗結果顯示有關於過程技能的試題,學生答對率並不高,因此在地理教學上應重視過程技能的訓練。 四、地理線上多媒體試題適合當作課間的隨堂測驗或是課後的延伸學習工具;亦可試著設計難度較高的多媒體試題,當作地理學科知識資優競賽的試題。 五、常使用電腦輔助學習、答題結果高成就的學生及常使用電腦輔助教學的教師較接受線上多媒體試題。 六、今日若要正式實施地理線上多媒體測驗,較適合在區域網路環境下進行施測。
The purpose of this study is to develop the on-line multimedia items based on Grade 1-9 Curriculum of social learning area and Geography-related Competence Indicators. The possibilities of On-line Multimedia item development was evaluated through the response of the questionnaires administered to teachers and students. The research participants were 109 nitnth-grade students(46 males and 63 females) and 33 teachers(15 males and 18 females). Due to the bank of on-line testing items which is located in the server of Taipei Municipal Shun-yuan Junior High School, the differences of evaluations between intranet and extranet testing system are investigated. Therefore, the selected students are divided into two groups: intranet and extranet. The intranet group are 71 students from Taipei Municipal Shun-yuan Junior High School(34 males and 37 females).The extranet group are 38 students from other schools(12 males and 26 females). The research equipments included the on-line multimedia items of Junior High School Geography and the questionnaires of the test evaluations scaled for teachers and pupils. Frequency, percentage, independent samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA and XY Scatter Chart were used to analyze the collected data. The main conclusions drawn from the data were stated as follows: 1. ‘The landscape observation’, ‘the simulated operation of equipments’, ‘the information gatherings and analyze’ and ‘the production of geographical charts by computerized techniques’ are suitable testing items for on-line multimedia. 2. On-line multimedia can perfectly replace those testing items which include too much question content or background description. 3. The results show that students don’t do well on the items of process skills, so that the rate of accuracy is not high enough. Thus, the teaching of Geography should emphasize on the training of process skills. 4. On-line multimedia items are proper for quiz in class or extended learning tools after school. Moreover, the items of higher levels can be designed for the competitions of geographical knowledge between talented students. 5. On-line multimedia items are more acceptable by those students who score high and usually exercise with CAL, and by those teachers who often use CAI on their teaching work. 6. Nowadays, it would be more adequate to implement the on-line multimedia testing items of Geography under the environment of intranet.



線上多媒體, 試題發展, 分段能力指標, on-line multimedia, item development, competence indicators





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