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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
科學教師要能創新教學以提升學生學習興趣與效能,除了其個人特質與領域知能,教學領域中的社會組織-即教學團隊,亦扮演著支持或抑制創意表現的關鍵角色。本研究檢視一科學領域教學團隊的討論歷程,釐清成員們如何透過對話以擴展想法、促進理解,並探究團隊創造力之發生軌跡。本研究於七次參與觀察及四次半結構式訪談後,建構團隊創造力互動歷程模式。團隊對話文本採紮根理論為基礎的分析方式,依序找出團隊討論歷程的28 個第一階意義分類及九個第二階意義分類;接著,以曼-惠特尼U 考驗確認團隊創造力歷程之基本及特殊對話元素;其後,以訪談資料補足與修正模式。最後,依據研究結果建構團隊創造力互動歷程模式,成員會以基本對話元素穩定團隊運作,並以「目標性的脈絡」、「擴展」、「理解」、「暫停」、「訊息精緻化」等五個非線性固定的循環階段,促進團隊創造力的發生。最後亦討論此模式應可為有意參與或籌組社群的科學教師及團隊帶來實質助益。
Creative teaching is becoming essential in sparking student’s interests and enhancing their performances. To improveteaching, teacher learning group is a good way to support teacher competence development. However, few studies havefocused on how teachers make effective dialogue and generate creativity with others within a teacher learning group. Thus,we adapted Csikszentmihalyi’s systems model to reveal the way of the dialogue within a middle school science teachinggroup affected the developing process of group creativity. The mixed-method approach was adopted and data from videorecordings and semi-structured interview during 2016-2017 were collected. We used constant comparative analysis toanalyze the data. First, twenty-eight dialogue elements of group creativity in first order and nine in second order wereidentified. Next, a serial of Mann-Whitney U tests was conducted to examine the general and unique dialogue elements.After modifying by the interview data, the Interactional Group Creativity Model was constructed. In this model, groupmembers would discuss fluently with the general dialogue elements. Furthermore, group creativity would be promoted withthe unique dialogue elements, which are contained in five stages: 1. Goal-oriented context stage: Group members achieveshared understanding in group goals and directions; 2. Expanding stage: Group members demonstrate multiple teaching ideasproposing, alternative solution raising, and teaching resources sharing to broaden the group’s thinking and knowledge; 3.Understanding stage: Group members perform illustration seeking, explaining, and feedback to reinforce group’s knowledgebasis in this stage; 4. Suspending stage: By distracting their attentions temporarily, group members consider morepossibilities and developed appropriate ideas; 5. Information elaborating stage: Within the spiral circulation of the two stages,ideas and information are elaborated through contextualization and combination. It is noteworthy that the five stages arenonlinear but circles that might be generated within single or multiple stages. Group creativity developed and elaborated inthe spiral circulation between the five stages. Based on the results, relevant empirical and theoretical research have beendiscussed, and the practical suggestions for scientific teacher groups have also been proposed.
Creative teaching is becoming essential in sparking student’s interests and enhancing their performances. To improveteaching, teacher learning group is a good way to support teacher competence development. However, few studies havefocused on how teachers make effective dialogue and generate creativity with others within a teacher learning group. Thus,we adapted Csikszentmihalyi’s systems model to reveal the way of the dialogue within a middle school science teachinggroup affected the developing process of group creativity. The mixed-method approach was adopted and data from videorecordings and semi-structured interview during 2016-2017 were collected. We used constant comparative analysis toanalyze the data. First, twenty-eight dialogue elements of group creativity in first order and nine in second order wereidentified. Next, a serial of Mann-Whitney U tests was conducted to examine the general and unique dialogue elements.After modifying by the interview data, the Interactional Group Creativity Model was constructed. In this model, groupmembers would discuss fluently with the general dialogue elements. Furthermore, group creativity would be promoted withthe unique dialogue elements, which are contained in five stages: 1. Goal-oriented context stage: Group members achieveshared understanding in group goals and directions; 2. Expanding stage: Group members demonstrate multiple teaching ideasproposing, alternative solution raising, and teaching resources sharing to broaden the group’s thinking and knowledge; 3.Understanding stage: Group members perform illustration seeking, explaining, and feedback to reinforce group’s knowledgebasis in this stage; 4. Suspending stage: By distracting their attentions temporarily, group members consider morepossibilities and developed appropriate ideas; 5. Information elaborating stage: Within the spiral circulation of the two stages,ideas and information are elaborated through contextualization and combination. It is noteworthy that the five stages arenonlinear but circles that might be generated within single or multiple stages. Group creativity developed and elaborated inthe spiral circulation between the five stages. Based on the results, relevant empirical and theoretical research have beendiscussed, and the practical suggestions for scientific teacher groups have also been proposed.