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現今教學現場學生素質差異化大,低成就學生人數相對增加,補救教學計畫應運而生。外語學習焦慮常常是外語學習者最大的阻礙之一,而自我調節學習強調能輔助學生發展自我調節能力,促進學習能力發展。本研究旨在探究自我調節學習策略,對參加英語補救教學之低成就學生的外語學習焦慮和學業表現之效益。 本行動研究的受試者為15位台灣高中學生,受試者被隨機分配到兩個課後班級,首先,全體受試者須進行「英語焦慮量表測驗」,以了解受試者在接受補救教學前,對英語的焦慮程度為何;接著,實驗組班級在有自我調節學習策略的輔助下,接受補救教學課程,全體受試者於期末再次接受「英語焦慮量表測驗」,以了解英語焦慮程度差異,並收集受試者三次英語段考成績作為學業表現之依據。 研究結果顯示,自我調節學習策略雖沒有對受試者的外語學習焦慮造成全面性的顯著差異,但是對於害怕負面評價焦慮結果卻呈顯著;此外,全體受試者的學業表現在補救教學課程的實施下,結果呈現顯著,但實驗組學生學業進步表現情況卻比控制組更長久。本研究結果突顯自我調節學習策略對英語補救教學中低成就學生有所助益,強調自我調節學習策略應用之重要性,並鼓勵英語補救教學教師,於課程中適度融入自我調節學習,降低學生外語學習焦慮,以提升學習成效。
The bipolar distributions in students’ English academic performances have existed for years. Remedial instruction programs are warranted in order to help low-achieving students. Existing research has established that self-regulated learning (SRL) is one of the key approaches to learning and that self-regulatory processes and strategies are teachable skills. Moreover, foreign language anxiety (FLA) is common among language learners, which is regarded as one of the great hinderances to foreign language learning. Therefore, the current study was set out to investigate the effects of employing a SRL cycle on low-achieving students in a remedial instruction environment to examine their English learning anxiety levels and to ascertain whether their English academic performances would improve. Our participants were 15 Taiwanese high school students who attended an English remedial instruction program after school. They received the ‘Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale’ before and after the intervention. Their academic performance would also serve as quantitative data. The results showed that fear of negative evaluation, one of the three factors of foreign language anxiety, improved the most after SRL intervention. The results also revealed that their academic performance in the experimental group and control group progressed, yet the performance of the experimental group appeared to be more durable. Results in the current study have implications for teachers in the remedial instruction program to become more aware of low-achieving students’ foreign language learning anxiety when learning English.



自我調節學習策略, 英語補救教學, 外語學習焦慮, SRL cycle, remedial instruction, foreign language anxiety





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