
dc.contributorLin An Panen_US
dc.contributor.authorChu Lin Yuanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討人權教育影片對國中生人權態度影響之成效。以台北縣某公立國中九年級學生為研究對象。在研究設計上採不等組前後測設計準實驗研究,將研究對象分成實驗組與控制組進行。過程中實驗組受試者接受十二節課的人權電影課程,而控制組受試者則不施予此課程。兩組受試者並同時以「國中生人權態度調查問卷」進行前測和後測。 本研究資料分析方法採用描述性統計分析法、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與單因子共變數分析方法統計考驗。質性資料則以教學觀察記錄、學生的學習回饋表進行分析。根據研究結果發現,歸納本研究結論如下: 1.實施電影教學前之學生基本背景在人權態度上無顯著差異。但是實驗組學生是否擔任班級幹部與家庭社經地位上,其人權態度有顯著差異。 2.在排除前測分數經共變數分析,發現實驗組經教學後,其得分均顯著高於對照組。而實驗組學生後測的得分顯著優於前測的得分,顯示本研究的電影教學課程能有效增進實驗組學生的人權態度。 3.學生對於人權電影教學持正面肯定的態度,覺得本研究之教學生動有趣且獲益良多。 最後本研究之發現,能對教育主管單位、學校教育人員以及學生家長,提供一些具體建言,以及對未來研究之建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the human rights educational films on junior high school students’ human rights attitude. All the objects of the study are students whom are ninth grade from a public junior high school in Taipei.This design referred to base pretest-posttest noncontrol-group quasi-experiment research and devided the subjects into as an Experiment Group and a Control Group.The experimental group received the experimental curriculums of human rights films for twelve classes, and the control group didn’t.The Human Rights Attitude Questionnaire was used to be an implement of the pre-test and post-test. The statistical analysis methods used include: Descriptive statistics, T-test, One-way Anova, and One-way Ancova. There were also qualitative data came from reflection notes of teaching observations, feedback writing by students at the end of the curriculum.The results of this experiment were generalized as follows: 1.There were no significant differences between the relationships to the background statuses of the junior high school students and their attitude toward human rights before implementing film curriculum. According to the study data before implementing film curriculum, in the experimental group, there was significant differences between the relationships to the film curriculum of the junior high school students and their background statuses including students who occasionally play leading jobs in class or not and the parental socio-economic status. 2.The Experimental Group’s scores by ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) are significantly higher than the Control Group through the films curriculum. The post-test scores of the experimental group are apparently higher than the pre-test scores of it. It showed that the films curriculum obviously increased participants’ attitudes and the behavior of the human right attitude. 3.The students in this study showed positive attitude to the films curriculum, and felt it interesting and beneficial. In conclusion, the researcher makes some suggestions to the Education and School Authorities counselors and parents for improvement. The thesis also discusses the future probable problems and their resolutions.en_US
dc.subjecthuman rights educationen_US
dc.subjecthuman rights attitudeen_US
dc.subjectFilms Curriculumen_US
dc.titleA Quasi-experiment Research of The Junior High School Students’Human Rights Attitude in The Films Curriculumen_US

