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國立台灣師範大學社會教育研究所碩士論文摘要 論文名稱:學校社區化的策略規劃…..一個國小校長的行動研究 指導教授:林振春教授        研究生:江銘書 本研究旨在瞭解國民小學推展學校社區化之現況,並依據研究結果提出結論與建議,依據 動機歸納四個研究目的: 基於以上研究背景與研究目的本研究有以下四個目的: 壹、探討「學校社區化」的理論與策略。 貳、分析「學校社區化」策略規劃與運作要素。 叁、「學校社區化」的運作模式。 肆、依據結果與發現提出具體建議作為學校推展「學校社區化」策略規劃的參考。 本研究採行動研究法方式進行,主要以文獻分析、訪談以及研究者實際參與之觀摩、問卷 調查、相關文獻之蒐集。依據資料分析,研究者試圖從參與觀察、訪問之實際觀點來描述 與詮釋學校社區化的現況與可行之模式,並回答上述問題。 研究結果發現,學校推行學校社區化與社區教育的實務運作層面,主要以組織領導運作、 學校社區化的策略規劃、資源整合與運用...等為研究重點,並依據上述的研究內涵,歸納 出研究結論。 一、學校行政應結合社教組織、共同運作,提升效果。 二、強化組織分工、責任分擔、激勵成員積極參與。  三、整合及運用社區人力、物力、財力、組織、文獻…等資源。 四、建立使用者付費習慣,使社區教育永續經營。 五、規劃具有地方特色之社教活動保存鄉土史蹟。 六、創新活動行銷方式,擴大民眾參與。 七、加強義工召募、遴選、訓練、考核,建立制度,樹立志工典範。 八、營造民主參與空間,加強溝通、協調,化阻力為助力。 九、尋求家長會、各界財力支援、經費公開,以昭公信。 十、培養社區領導人才,厚植社區教育人力。 十一、摒除黨派與地方勢力介入,純化社教內涵。 十二、社區組織成員廣納多元角色,促進民間團體支援合作。 十三、結合學校、社區、家庭,建立學習型組織願景。 十四、拓展社區參與層面,落實學校社區化的理想。 十五、學校數量多、設備齊全、師資充足、分佈均勻是拓展終身教育的最佳場所。
The Strategic Planing of School-Community Liaison   …..An Action Study of a Principal           by             Ming Shu- Chiang Abstract   The topic of this research is trying to understand the present condition of “school-community liaison.” The purposes are shown as follows. 1. Discussing the theory and practice of “school-community liaison” 2. Analyzing the strategies and practice of “school-community liaison” 3. The performance of “school-community liaison”   The researcher also proposes concrete ideas for carrying out “school- community liaison” in the future.   This research is based on “action study.” It goes through data analysis, interview, participation, observation, questionnaire and collections of related information.  The researcher finds out that the liaison betweenschool and community is mainly relied on the practice of organization and integration of resources. Some findings to better off the “school-community liaison” are shown in the following sentences. 1. Connecting school administration with social education institutes will increase the efficiency. 2. Consolidating job divisions and sharing responsibilities will draw more participants. 3. Integrating the human and other resources should be considered. 4. The concept of “ the consumer, the payer” should be put into practice in order to maintain sustainable management. 5. Homeland-based courses should be adopted. 6. The promotions should be innovative in order to get more residents involved. 7. Enlarging the number of volunteers and setting up an on-the-job training program. 8. Constructing a democratic working environment where everyone can discuss freely. 9. Seeking the support of PTA and every other walks of life to solve the financial problems. 10. The leadership in the community should be developed. 11. The members of the community should be diverse. 12. The interferences of all parties should be excluded. 13. Establishing a “learning institute” where school, community and family can participate actively. 14. The best place for lifelong education can be shaped via the most use of the school staff and facilities.



學校社區化, 策略規劃, 行動研究, 社區化, 社區教育, School-community liaison, Strategic Planing, Action Study, Community liaison, Community education





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