

在人類的歷史上,知識的累積是驚人的,而人類之所以異於其他動物,正在於人類會利用文字將文化保存下來,並透過閱讀吸收前人的智慧結晶,並成為個人的知識。而在目前的國際社會中,一個國家讀書人口的數量及素質,更是衡量國家文明程度的標準之一,也唯有圖書館館員本身擁有終身閱讀的信仰與理念,才能在建構個人的知識體系之餘,也能作讀者與書之間的橋樑。本研究的目的在於瞭解大專校院圖書館館員之專業成長相關閱讀的情形,希望藉由本研究,瞭解大專校院圖書館館員之閱讀現況、閱讀態度與閱讀動機等閱讀行為;並希望瞭解閱讀行為與大專校院圖書館館員專業成長相關閱讀之間的關係。本研究就我國159所大專校院圖書館館員閱讀行為與專業成長相關閱讀進行研究,以前導訪談及抽樣問卷調查為研究方法,有效問卷回收率為75.27%。 研究結果可分為五部分說明: 1.閱讀現況:大專校院圖書館館員平均每日閱讀時間約一小時,以閱讀電子郵件及一般書籍為主,閱讀電子書的比率最低;並以休閒生活類為經常閱讀類型圖書,而休閒是閱讀的主要原因。 2.閱讀態度:在閱讀態度方面,除了因服務學校不同而在「認知」與「情意」構面有顯著差異外,其他個人變項部分皆無顯著差異。閱讀時間在閱讀態度上有影響,並達到顯著差異 3.閱讀動機:大專校院圖書館館員的閱讀動機,除了在服務學校上有差異外,在「社會性」因素上,組長以上館員明顯高於一般館員,已婚館員在「成就價值與目標」因素上,則高於未婚館員;其他個人變項中皆沒有顯著差異。閱讀時間在閱讀動機上有影響,並達到顯著差異。 4.專業成長相關閱讀:大專校院圖書館館員在「知識類」的閱讀攝取較其他類為高,且以圖書資訊學相關知識較高;而在其他的個人背景變項與子構面中,服務學校類型不同的館員在「技能類」之專業成長相關閱讀有顯著差異;服務年資長的館員則較少進行「資訊科技類」相關閱讀;年齡較輕之館員在進行「資訊科技類專業知識」、「資訊科技類」相關閱讀優於年紀較長之館員,但在「管理行政類」以及「服務類」的相關閱讀上則低於年紀較長的館員,並達到顯著差異;而男性與女性相較,男性的專業成長相關閱讀情形也較高,其他變項則沒有達到顯著差異。因此從本研究結果可以得知,大專校院圖書館館員專業成長相關閱讀方面行為仍有加強與改善的空間。 5.相關分析結果:研究發現閱讀態度和閱讀動機有統計上的顯著相關,閱讀態度和專業成長相關閱讀有統計上的顯著相關。不過從子構面來看,閱讀態度的「情意」和專業成長相關閱讀沒有統計上的相關。另外閱讀動機與專業成長相關閱讀間有顯著相關,從閱讀動機的子構面來看,除了閱讀動機的「社會性」構面與專業成長相關閱讀的「知識性」構面未達顯著水準外,其他構面,例如,閱讀動機的「能力與效能信念」及「成就價值與目標」與專業成長相關閱讀的三個構面以及「社會性」構面與專業成長相關閱讀的「技能性」與「服務性」構面,皆達顯著相關。而透過迴歸分析,發現閱讀動機對專業成長相關閱讀具有顯著預測力。
In human history, the accumulation of knowledge is amazing, the major difference between human beings and other animals is that human knows how to preserve the culture through the use of text and absorb ancestor’s wisdom and knowledge through reading, and finally, turn them into personal knowledge. In the current international society, the quantity and quality of reading population in a country is one of the standards to evaluate the level of civilization of a country. In addition to building personal knowledge system, the library personnel can be the bridge between the reader and the book only when the library personnel themselves own the belief and concept of lifetime reading. The main purpose of the current study is to understand the related reading status regarding professional growth for colleges and universities librarians, we hope that through this study, the reading behavior such as the reading status, reading attitude and reading motive for colleges and universities librarians can be understood; we also hope to understand the relationship between reading behavior and related reading for the colleges and universities librarians. Library personnel in 159 universities and colleges are used as the target for studying the relationship between reading behavior and related reading for professional growth. Pilot interview and sampling questionnaire survey are going to be used as the research method, the effective survey questionnaire return rate is about 75.27%. The research result can be described in five parts: 1.Current reading status: The average daily reading time for library personnel in universities and colleges is about one hour, email and book are usually the reading targets and the reading of e-book has the lowest rate, meanwhile, leisure and life reading are the usual book types for reading and leisure spending is the major reason for reading. 2.Reading attitude: In the reading attitude aspect, except the obvious differences in “cognitive” and “emotion” due to different schools served, there are no obvious differences in other personal variable aspects. Reading time is affected by reading attitude and had obvious difference. 3.Reading motive: In the reading motive aspect of library personnel in universities and colleges, in addition to the difference in terms of school served, in other aspect such as “social aspects of reading” factor, library personnel with position higher than group leader are obviously higher than that of other personnel; in the “achievement values and goals” factor for married library personnel, it is higher than that of unmarried library personnel; there are no obvious differences in other personal variables. Reading time is affected by reading motive and had obvious difference. 4.Related reading for professional growth: For library personnel in universities and colleges, they have more reading and digestion on “knowledge type” than other types, moreover, it emphasizes on knowledge related to book informatics; however, in other personal background variable and sub-facet, library personnel with different school type served will have obvious difference in the related reading of “technical type” professional growth, and library personnel with longer working experiences spend very few time on reading related to “information technology type”; younger library personnel show superiority in reading related to “professional knowledge for information technology”, “information technology type”, however, in the reading related to “management and administration” and “service type”, the elder library personnel show superiority than younger personnel and had obvious difference; when male and female are compared, male shows higher reading in professional knowledge growth and there is no obvious difference reached in other variable. Therefore, from the result of the current research we know that there is still room to be improved in the related reading behavior for colleges and universities librarians. 5.Related analysis results: The study shows that there is a statistical obvious relationship between reading attitude and reading motive, and there is also an obvious statistical relationship between reading attitude and related reading regarding professional knowledge growth. However, if we take a look from the sub-facet, we find that there is no statistical relationship between the “emotion” of reading and related reading for professional growth. In addition, there is an obvious relationship between reading motive and related reading for professional growth, if we take a look from the sub-facet of reading motive, except that the “social aspects of reading” facet of reading motive and the “knowledge type” facet of related reading for professional growth do not reach obvious level, other facets such as the three facets of “competence and efficacy beliefs” and “achievement values and goals” of reading motive and the related reading for professional growth all reach obvious relationship; moreover, the “social aspects of reading” facet and the “technical type” and “serving type” facets of related reading regarding professional growth all reach obvious relationship. Finally, through the regression analysis, we find that reading motive has obvious predicting power on the related reading regarding professional growth.



圖書館館員, 閱讀行為, 閱讀動機, 閱讀態度, 專業成長





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