教師與行政人員因應 Covid-19 實施遠距教學之挑戰與成長—以臺北市某公立國中成員為例
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COVID-19 的緣故導致遠距教學的需求短期內大增,但遠距教學不是在疫情後才興起的新事物,而是早有多年的歷史。以往遠距教學大多應用在高等教育的課程,但在 2021 年五月全國因疫情實施遠距教學,使遠距教學的使用者轉為各年齡層,包括了國中小階段。本研究以質性觀點切入,透過個案教師與行政人員的半結構式訪談、文件資料蒐集,瞭解歷經 COVID-19 教師與行政人員在實施遠距教學所面臨的挑戰、應對方式,及全校實施遠距教學後對專業知能的影響。記錄下臺灣國中教育現場成長的軌跡,及COVID-19 帶給臺灣教師與行政人員的啟發。研究結果顯示教師實施遠距教學面臨的挑戰,例如:學生專注度不足、學生學習落差更擴大等問題。行政方面所面臨的挑戰像是教師電腦程度落差大、親師生之間溝通不足等。教師的應對方式包括同步教學,開鏡頭上課、增加互動,不斷抽問等。行政方面所採行的應對方式包括辦理遠距教學相關培訓、因應疫情文件數位化等。歷經遠距教學後,教師的專業知能影響有重視資訊科技能力和調整學習心態;行政人員的專業知能影響則有重視資訊整合能力和推動教師專業成長。研究者針對研究結果對教師、師培學校、在職教師及未來研究的面向提出相關建議。
The demand for distance learning has rapidly increased in a short period of time as a result of COVID-19. However, distance education does not only appear for the pandemic, actually it has already been used for many years. In the past, distance learning was mostly used in higher education courses, but the implementation of distance learning became nationwide because of the epidemic in May 2021, which has made more people using it, including primary and secondary students. This study starts from a qualitative perspective, semi-structured interviews and document data collection were used to interview teachers and administrators in a public junior high school in Taipei city. The purpose of this study was to understand the challenges faced by teachers and administrators in implementing distance learning after COVID-19, and their coping styles, as well as the impact of distance learning on professional competence. Through this study, the researcher woulddocument the growth of the education on the ground in Taiwan and hope togain insights into what COVID-19 has brought us for both teachers and administrators. The results show the challenges that teachers face in implementing distance learning, such as students' insufficient concentration and widening learning gap. Administrative challenges include the wide gap between teachers' computer skills and the lack of communication between teachers and students. Teachers' coping methods include synchronous teaching, live streaming with students’ cameras on, increasing interaction,frequently asking questions and so on. Administrative measures include distance education training and digitalization of epidemic response documents. After distance teaching, there are some positive influences on teachers' professional knowledge which include valuing the technology and adjusting their learning mentality. The influence of professional knowledge on administrative staff is to attach importance to information integration ability and pressing ahead teachers' professional development. Theresearcher puts forward some suggestions for teachers, teacher-training schools, in-service teachers and future research.
The demand for distance learning has rapidly increased in a short period of time as a result of COVID-19. However, distance education does not only appear for the pandemic, actually it has already been used for many years. In the past, distance learning was mostly used in higher education courses, but the implementation of distance learning became nationwide because of the epidemic in May 2021, which has made more people using it, including primary and secondary students. This study starts from a qualitative perspective, semi-structured interviews and document data collection were used to interview teachers and administrators in a public junior high school in Taipei city. The purpose of this study was to understand the challenges faced by teachers and administrators in implementing distance learning after COVID-19, and their coping styles, as well as the impact of distance learning on professional competence. Through this study, the researcher woulddocument the growth of the education on the ground in Taiwan and hope togain insights into what COVID-19 has brought us for both teachers and administrators. The results show the challenges that teachers face in implementing distance learning, such as students' insufficient concentration and widening learning gap. Administrative challenges include the wide gap between teachers' computer skills and the lack of communication between teachers and students. Teachers' coping methods include synchronous teaching, live streaming with students’ cameras on, increasing interaction,frequently asking questions and so on. Administrative measures include distance education training and digitalization of epidemic response documents. After distance teaching, there are some positive influences on teachers' professional knowledge which include valuing the technology and adjusting their learning mentality. The influence of professional knowledge on administrative staff is to attach importance to information integration ability and pressing ahead teachers' professional development. Theresearcher puts forward some suggestions for teachers, teacher-training schools, in-service teachers and future research.
遠距教學, 挑戰, 應對方式, 專業知能影響, Distance education, Challenge, Coping strategy, Impact of professional competence