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本研究旨在追溯賽夏族的狩獵活動,並探討狩獵與運動文化之關連性。 本文採文 獻分析法,將蒐集到的文獻資料加以整理、分析,並以田野調查來補充資料不足之處,且與 文獻資料相互印證。研究所得呈現如後: 一、賽夏族在日本統治臺灣之前,狩獵活動是其主要的生產方式,而其狩獵活動依獵物的類 別,可區分成陸上狩獵與魚獵活動兩種,狩獵的方式以團體狩獵為主,主要器具有弓、箭、 弩弓、矛等,亦使用陷阱捕殺獵物。出外狩獵有許多的禁忌和占卜,禁忌主要突顯狩獵的嚴 肅性,占卜則有鳥占和夢占兩種。 二、賽夏族狩獵活動的過程產生了奔跑、攀爬、跳、投擲、游泳的身體運動方式,使個人身 體運動能力得以藉由生產勞動的過程獲得發揮。狩獵活動是透過身體運動方式來發揮個人身 體運動能力,並培養族人社會化行為,所以狩獵活動可視為運動文化的一環。 三、狩獵活動為賽夏族傳統生活中重要的一部份,在本土化意識日益受重視的臺灣,如何兼 顧傳統與現在,是當今重要的研究課題。當競技運動成為世界運動文化主流之際,原住民的 狩獵活動等特有的身體運動亦屬運動文化中之一環,筆者以為它是強調本土化不可或缺的一 部份。
The purpose of this study is to trace the hunting activities of the Sai-Hsia tribe to investigate the correlation between hunting and sports culture. This study uses the document analysis method to systematize and analyze collected documentation. Field studies are used where there are deficiencies in information. Document information is corroborated with other documentation. Research results are as follows: 1.Before the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, hunting activities were the major form of production for the Sai-Hsia tribe. Their hunting activities can be divided into two types: hunting and fishing. Hunting was mainly performed in groups. Major tools included the bow, arrow, cross bows, and spears. They also used traps to capture or kill prey. There were many taboos and divination were performed when going out on the hunt. The taboos essentially emphasized the seriousness of hunting. Divining was divided into two major types: "Bird divining" and visions. 2.Sports activities produced as a result of Sai-Hsia hunting activities included running, climbing, jumping, throwing, and swimming and personal sporting skills were brought into full play during the production process. Personal sporting skills brought into play during the exercise resulting from hunting activities fostered social behavior in the tribe, therefore, hunting activities can be seen as a link in the sports culture. 3.Hunting activities were an important part of the traditional lives of the Sai-Hsia people. Giving consideration to both the traditional and the modern in Taiwan, with its ever-heightening awareness of local culture, is an important research topic today. The writer feels that as athletic events become a major medium for cultural exchanges in the world, exercise derived from hunting activities of Taiwan aborigines in particular is also an important link in the sports culture that cannot be ignored when emphasizing local culture.
The purpose of this study is to trace the hunting activities of the Sai-Hsia tribe to investigate the correlation between hunting and sports culture. This study uses the document analysis method to systematize and analyze collected documentation. Field studies are used where there are deficiencies in information. Document information is corroborated with other documentation. Research results are as follows: 1.Before the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, hunting activities were the major form of production for the Sai-Hsia tribe. Their hunting activities can be divided into two types: hunting and fishing. Hunting was mainly performed in groups. Major tools included the bow, arrow, cross bows, and spears. They also used traps to capture or kill prey. There were many taboos and divination were performed when going out on the hunt. The taboos essentially emphasized the seriousness of hunting. Divining was divided into two major types: "Bird divining" and visions. 2.Sports activities produced as a result of Sai-Hsia hunting activities included running, climbing, jumping, throwing, and swimming and personal sporting skills were brought into full play during the production process. Personal sporting skills brought into play during the exercise resulting from hunting activities fostered social behavior in the tribe, therefore, hunting activities can be seen as a link in the sports culture. 3.Hunting activities were an important part of the traditional lives of the Sai-Hsia people. Giving consideration to both the traditional and the modern in Taiwan, with its ever-heightening awareness of local culture, is an important research topic today. The writer feels that as athletic events become a major medium for cultural exchanges in the world, exercise derived from hunting activities of Taiwan aborigines in particular is also an important link in the sports culture that cannot be ignored when emphasizing local culture.