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本研究旨在瞭解國立陽明大學學生生涯發展狀況及生涯輔導需求,瞭解不同背景變項學生生涯發展狀況及生涯輔導需求之差異情形,探討學生生涯發展狀況與生涯輔導需求之間的相關,分析不同背景變項對生涯發展狀況及生涯輔導需求的預測情形,並根據研究結果提出結論及建議,做為該校及醫學、生命科學相關領域學校及系所實施學生生涯輔導工作之參考。 本研究採調查研究法,以研究者自編之「大學生生涯發展狀況及生涯輔導需求調查問卷」,調查陽明大學大學部七個科系的大一學生及應屆畢業生,有效問卷共478份。研究問卷分為三個部分,第一部分為個人基本資料;第二部分為「大學生生涯發展量表」,以受試者在「專業定向」、「生涯決定信念」、「生涯行動」三個層面的平均得分情形代表其生涯發展狀況,得分愈高,則其生涯發展狀況愈佳;第三部分為「大學生生涯輔導需求量表」,以受試者在「自我探索需求」、「環境探索需求」、「生涯抉擇與規劃需求」、「生涯準備需求」、「生涯安置需求」五個層面的平均得分情形代表其生涯輔導需求,得分愈高,則其生涯輔導需求愈高。 研究發現,陽明大學學生生涯發展狀況得分情形為五點量表中的3.45分,生涯輔導需求介於「需要」與「非常需要」之間。科系、科系興趣、選系原因、家庭社經背景等不同背景變項的學生,在生涯發展狀況上達顯著差異,表示學生生涯發展狀況因科系、科系興趣、選系原因、家庭社經背景等背景變項而有不同;不同背景變項的學生在生涯輔導需求上的差異未達顯著水準,表示學生生涯輔導需求不因個人背景變項而有不同。陽明大學學生生涯發展狀況與生涯輔導需求之間的關係為低度正相關(r=.122)。科系、科系興趣、家庭社經背景、生涯課程修習狀況等四項背景變項,對陽明大學學生生涯發展狀況達42.4%的聯合預測力。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the career development status and career needs of undergraduates in National Yang-Ming University; the effect of different independent variables on students’ career development status and career needs; the relationship between students’ career development status and career needs; the predictability of independent variables on students’ career development status and career needs respectively, and to provide recommendations based on the result for the implementation of career guidance programs in universities with related faculties in allied medicine and life science. 478 freshmen and seniors were surveyed using University Students Career Development Status and Career Needs Questionnaire, developed for this study. The instrument was composed of three sections: (1) personal data, (2) Career Development Scale, with subscales of Career Decidedness, Career Belief, Career Behavior, (3) Career Needs Assessment Scale, with subscales of Self-Exploring, Environment-Exploring, Career Decision-Making and Planning, Career Preparation, Career Placement. It was found that the career development status of students in National Yang-Ming University was 3.45 in a 5 point Likert scale, and students expressed moderate to strong need in career guidance. Variables indicated statistically significant on students’ career development status included: major, personal interest in one’s major, reason for choosing one’s major, family socio-economic status; no independent variables in this study had influence on students’ career needs. It showed slight positive correlation (r=.122) between students’ career development status and career needs. Major, personal interest in one’s major, family socio-economic status, career courses had a joint predictability of 42.4% on students’ career development status.



大學生, 生涯發展狀況, 生涯輔導需求, 高等教育, 學生事務, 醫學院校, college student, career development status, career needs, higher education, student affairs, medical college





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