讀NCLB 在特殊教育
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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
《NCLB》(不放棄每一個孩子),為美國於2001 年所通過的教育法案,這個法案重新定位美國聯邦政府在中小學教育中所扮演的角色,特別是對於弱勢及少數群體的學生。美國特殊兒童協會(CEC)於2004 年4 月13 日至17 日在露伊斯安娜州紐奧良市舉辦2004 年國際學術研討會,會中以相當的篇幅及重要的姿態探討此一法案。作者前往發表文章,回國後整理其重點並查閱相關文獻,以檢視這個法案對美國特殊教育的影響,並省思我國在各課題的執行工作,與台灣地區從事身心障礙教育的工作者分享,以期共同為身心障礙者的服務工作而努力。
NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act) is an educational act set up in 2001, which enlarge the education meaning of Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, especially meaning to the students with disabilities. Council for Execptional Children 2004 conference took place in New Orleans, Louisiana discussing NCLB with a lot of space showing its importance on special education. This article is to present the NCLB spirit and to propose suggestions for special education in Taiwan.
NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act) is an educational act set up in 2001, which enlarge the education meaning of Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, especially meaning to the students with disabilities. Council for Execptional Children 2004 conference took place in New Orleans, Louisiana discussing NCLB with a lot of space showing its importance on special education. This article is to present the NCLB spirit and to propose suggestions for special education in Taiwan.