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  本研究目的在探討彰化市公立國中學生的健康生活型態之現況及其相關因素。本研究以自編結構式問卷為工具,以分層隨機抽樣的方式,由彰化市公立國中學生,抽取495 人為樣本,最後得有效問卷479 份,有效問卷率97%,並進行統計分析。本研究的重要結果如下: 一、研究對象的飲食習慣中表現最好的為「每天吃早餐」;其社會人口學變項中,「家庭氣氛」、「學業成就」可解釋飲食習慣之總變異量14.7%。 二、研究對象的運動與休閒行為中表現最好為「空閒時,會從事康樂型休閒活動」;其社會人口學變項中,「性別」、「年級」、「家庭氣氛」可解釋運動休與閒行為總變異量的17.8%。 三、研究對象中有吸菸行為者,第一次吸菸的時間在小學四~六年級;最主要原因為「好奇、想試試」;最主要取得的管道為:「朋友給的」。「性別」「學業成就」可有效預測吸菸行為的總變異量17.4%。 四、研究對象中有飲酒行為者,第一次喝酒的時間在小學四~六年級;最主要原因為「好奇、想試試」;最主要取得的管道為:「家人提供」。「母親教養方式」「父母關係」可有效預測飲酒行為總變異量7.7%, 五、研究對象的心理壓力調適行為中表現最好為不用「自傷」來發洩情緒。「母親教養方式」、「家庭氣氛」、「父母關係」可有效預測心理壓力調適,其解釋力為19.2%。
  The purpose of this study, Changhua City public junior high school students explore the health status and lifestyle factors. In this study, structured questionnaire as a tool for cross-sectional survey of a stratified random sampling method equidistant from Changhua City public school students, collected samples of 495 people, 479 effective questionnaires were the final statistical analysis. Important results of this study are as follows: 1. Study of eating habits in the best performance as: "eat breakfast"; The social demographic variables can predict the diet, and can explain 14.7% of the total variance, of which the main predictors are: "family atmosphere", "academic achievement." 2. Study of sports and leisure behavior is the best: "idle, it will engage in leisure-based leisure activities". The social demographic variables and leisure break predictable movement behavior, and can explain 17.8% of total variance, of which the main predictors of: "Sex" and "year", "family atmosphere." 3. Subjects with smoking actors, the first time smoking four to sixth grade in primary schools; most important reasons are: "curious, want to try"; The main access channel to: "Friends to the." The social demographic variables can effectively predict smoking behavior, and can explain 17.4% of total variance, of which the main predictors of: "Sex," "academic achievement." 4. Study in drinking behavior, the first time to drink four to sixth grade in primary schools; most important reasons are: "curious, want to try"; The main access channel as: "family members." The social demographic variables can effectively predict drinking behavior, and may explain the 7.7% of total variance, of which, the main predictors are: "Mother rearing," "their parents." 5. Study of psychological stress coping behaviors in the best is: do not "self-injury" to let off steam. The social demographic variables can predict the stress management can explain 19.2% of total variance, of which the main predictors are: "Mother Rearing," "family atmosphere", "their parents." Keywords: junior high school students, healthy lifestyle



國中學生, 健康生活型態, junior high school students, healthy lifestyle





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