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Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU


如何提昇國人的休閒生活品質,「學習休閒」應有其必要性。休閒行為是個人依其主觀價值的判斷、態度的堅持與生活方式的選擇,所採取的具體行動。學校休閒教育的目的,就是培養學生具備休閒生活的能力,即是培養「自我認知」、「休閒認知」、「休閒態度」、「休閒技能」、「休閒決定」、「休閒資源」、「社會互動」的能力,以經營美好的人生。故休閒教育是一種價值教育、生活教育、行動教育、統整的教育;又由於各個不同生命歷程中,有不同的休閒需求與體驗,因此休閒教育也是一種終身學習教育。 九年一貫課程是目前教改的重點,已自九十學年度依序實施,值此之際,休閒教育是否有其實施的機會,是值得關心的一個議題。本文主要從休閒教育內涵的四項指標-自我認知、休閒認知、休閒技能、休閒資源,對照各學習領域與六大議題之課程分段能力指標,分析休閒教育實施之機會。 「休閒教育」的實施,融入於各學習領域的教學中,可以達成九年一貫課程的基本理念與十大基本能力的培養,也真正落實學生休閒生活能力的培養與統整。由本文分析發現,在新課程規畫中,休閒教育可以融入各學習領域中實施。然而休閒教育將來實施成效如何?值得學校行政、教師、家長、學生共同關切、努力與評估。
This paper attempts to determine the extent to which there is leisure-oriented learning in the currrent school systems. The leisure education approach should play a significant role to improve the quality of life of the people. Leisure may be conceived as a state of mind, a subjective value providing opportunity for reflection on people's lives, helping the individual achieve fulfillment and self-enrichment. The objectives of leisure education will help students develop their capabilities for leisure by enhancing leisure awareness and attitudes, self-awareness, leisure skills, social interaction skills, and greater awareness of leisure resources. Leisure education is also viewed as a kind of value education, life education, action education, integrated education and life-long education. This study explores the implementation of leisure education through a review of the Curriculum Outline of the 1st-9th Grade Curriculum Alignment, which is currently the most important outcome of education reform. Leisure education is not an isolated subject in school, the ocntents of leisure education are integrated into other educational subjects. This study utilizes Mundy's leisure education model to investigate the relationship among the Learning Areas of the 1st-9th Grade Curriculum Alignment. According to content analysis from the leisure education model and curriculum competency indicators of the Curriculum mentioned previous, the study found that the goals of leisure education meet the basic ideal and compentency which the Curriculum indicates for the students and also found there are many opportunities to integrate leisure education into all Learning Areas when starting the new Curriculum. The students' capabilities for leisure should be developed by such a leisure-oriented learning approach but there is a need for school administrators, teachers, parents and all of society to make joint efforts to achieve more comprehensive leisure education.






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