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本研究的主要目的在探討科技大學一年級學生接觸藥物濫用危害宣導訊息與藥物濫用知識、態度、行為之相關。研究母群體為就讀北部三所科技大學一年級日間部學生。採取簡單隨機抽樣方式從每科系各抽一班,共得11 班464 名有效樣本。以結構式問卷為工具,班級集體填答方式蒐集資料。所得資料以t-test、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、複迴歸分析等統計方法進行考驗。重要發現如下:
The purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge, attitudes, behavior and risk information of drug abuse among college freshmen class in Taipei City . The study used a structured questionnaire as the research tool. The subjects were 464 college freshmen from 11 classes selected by using stratified random sampling method. The total sample size was 500 with 92.8 % response rate. One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression were used for analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1.The correct answer rate for the subjects responding to questions concerning drug abuse knowledge and the basic acknowledgement regarding the abused drugs was 70.3%. And the correct answer rate for those who are unfamiliar with societal questions and law aspects derived from the drug abuse was 51.1%. 2.The research findings pointed out that the subjects’s attitudes regarding the drug abuse are closely relating to gender, age, family relationships and the occupation of the student’s mother. Additionally, there were 93.8% of the subjects exhibiting positive attitudes towards two thirds of the questions posed. 3.The percentage for subjects ever using abused drugs was 4.1%, and the Ketamine was rated at the top of the list variety wise, followed by MDMA and then amphetamines, FM2 and LSD. 4.The sources of drug abuse knowledge originated frequently from “courses offered for military nursing instructors”, “literature publications” and “health protection organization lecturing activities”. In daily life, “TV program” would contribute next to the above mentioned, followed by “newspaper and magazine”, “promotional publications” and “Websites” as the third sources. 5.Socio-demographic factors, getting in touch with risk information could predict the drug abuse attitudes and explain 7.7% variance.
The purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge, attitudes, behavior and risk information of drug abuse among college freshmen class in Taipei City . The study used a structured questionnaire as the research tool. The subjects were 464 college freshmen from 11 classes selected by using stratified random sampling method. The total sample size was 500 with 92.8 % response rate. One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression were used for analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1.The correct answer rate for the subjects responding to questions concerning drug abuse knowledge and the basic acknowledgement regarding the abused drugs was 70.3%. And the correct answer rate for those who are unfamiliar with societal questions and law aspects derived from the drug abuse was 51.1%. 2.The research findings pointed out that the subjects’s attitudes regarding the drug abuse are closely relating to gender, age, family relationships and the occupation of the student’s mother. Additionally, there were 93.8% of the subjects exhibiting positive attitudes towards two thirds of the questions posed. 3.The percentage for subjects ever using abused drugs was 4.1%, and the Ketamine was rated at the top of the list variety wise, followed by MDMA and then amphetamines, FM2 and LSD. 4.The sources of drug abuse knowledge originated frequently from “courses offered for military nursing instructors”, “literature publications” and “health protection organization lecturing activities”. In daily life, “TV program” would contribute next to the above mentioned, followed by “newspaper and magazine”, “promotional publications” and “Websites” as the third sources. 5.Socio-demographic factors, getting in touch with risk information could predict the drug abuse attitudes and explain 7.7% variance.
知識態度行為, 危害宣導訊息, knowledge, attitude, behavior, risk information