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本研究目的如下: 一、探討不同背景變項高中籃球選手在運動員認同與生涯發展之差異。 二、探討高中籃球選手運動員認同與生涯發展之相關。研究樣本為參加102學年度HBL高中籃球聯賽男女生球隊共32隊,在比賽或訓練空暇時間施測研究量表,共計發放問卷384份,回收並剔除無效問卷後計348份,有效回收率為90.6%。資料經描述統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾遜積差相關分析處理後,發現:一、不同背景變項在運動員認同之差異方面:1. 甲級選手高於乙級選手。2. 男性選手高於女性選手。3.「升學;未來挑戰SBL(WSBL)」高於「升學;未來不挑戰SBL(WSBL)」與「直接就業」之選手。二、 不同背景變項在生涯發展之差異方面:1. 甲級選手在「生涯探索」高於乙級選手。2. 男性選手在「生涯探索」與「生涯定向」高於女性選手。3. 學業成績「中上程度」之選手,在「生涯探索」與「生涯定向」高於「中等程度」與「有待加強」之選手。4. 「直接就業」之選手在「生涯探索」與「生涯定向」高於「升學;未來挑戰SBL(WSBL)」與「升學;未來不挑戰SBL(WSBL)」之選手。四、 高中籃球選手在「運動員認同」與「生涯探索」、「生涯定向」有顯著相關。最後,本研究依據結果,針對學校、家長、選手與教練提出具體建議,以協助高中籃球選手有更佳的生涯發展規劃。
Abstract The purpose of this study was two-fold: (1) to examine differences of different background variables of high school basketball player’s athletic identity and career development, ( 2) to examine the relationship between athletic identity and career development in high school basketball players. Participants of this study were recruited from 32 men’s and women’s basketball teams that competed in 2013 high school basketball league. After received the informed consent, the questionnaire was administered to 384 players during the period of the Game or training. Three hundred and forty eight students were recruited to this study. The return rate was 90.6%. The data was analyzed by using t tests, one-way ANOVAs and Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings of the study indicated that: (1) With respect to the differences in athletic identity among different background variables: Division-I players had higher athletic identity than Division-II players; male players had higher athletic identity than female players; "Future challenges SBL (WSBL)" had higher athletic identity than "future does not challenge SBL (WSBL)". (2) In terms of the differences in career development among different background variables: Division-I players reported greater “Exploration of Career " than Division-II players; male players reported greater “Exploration of Career" and "Orientation of Career" than female players; players whose academic performance in above average reported greater "Exploration of Career" and "Orientation of Career" than those players who were "below average" and "needs to be strengthened" in academic performance; Players of "direct employment" in " Exploration of Career " and " Orientation of Career " above "studies; future challenges SBL (WSBL)" and "studies; future does not challenge SBL (WSBL)" of players. (3)In terms of the relationship between athletic identity and career development, high school basketball players’ "athletic identity” was positively correlated to “Exploration of Career” and "Orientation of Career". Finally, based on the results of this study, suggestions were proposed for schools, parents, players and coaches in order to help high school basketball players having better career development plan.
Abstract The purpose of this study was two-fold: (1) to examine differences of different background variables of high school basketball player’s athletic identity and career development, ( 2) to examine the relationship between athletic identity and career development in high school basketball players. Participants of this study were recruited from 32 men’s and women’s basketball teams that competed in 2013 high school basketball league. After received the informed consent, the questionnaire was administered to 384 players during the period of the Game or training. Three hundred and forty eight students were recruited to this study. The return rate was 90.6%. The data was analyzed by using t tests, one-way ANOVAs and Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings of the study indicated that: (1) With respect to the differences in athletic identity among different background variables: Division-I players had higher athletic identity than Division-II players; male players had higher athletic identity than female players; "Future challenges SBL (WSBL)" had higher athletic identity than "future does not challenge SBL (WSBL)". (2) In terms of the differences in career development among different background variables: Division-I players reported greater “Exploration of Career " than Division-II players; male players reported greater “Exploration of Career" and "Orientation of Career" than female players; players whose academic performance in above average reported greater "Exploration of Career" and "Orientation of Career" than those players who were "below average" and "needs to be strengthened" in academic performance; Players of "direct employment" in " Exploration of Career " and " Orientation of Career " above "studies; future challenges SBL (WSBL)" and "studies; future does not challenge SBL (WSBL)" of players. (3)In terms of the relationship between athletic identity and career development, high school basketball players’ "athletic identity” was positively correlated to “Exploration of Career” and "Orientation of Career". Finally, based on the results of this study, suggestions were proposed for schools, parents, players and coaches in order to help high school basketball players having better career development plan.
HBL, 運動員認同, 生涯發展, 生涯探索, 生涯定向, HBL, athletic identity, career development, career exploration, career orientation