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Yung-Cheng Hsieh and Cheng-Chia Lee
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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究目的為建構大學圖文傳播相關科系其攝影與設計課程之專業能力項目,並根據攝影與設計未來的科技發展趨勢研擬新的課程方向與主題。研究對象分為攝影與設計兩大部分,在攝影業界方面為民國九十年中華民國照相商業同業公會之會員名錄;在攝影教師方面,為任教於國內大學攝影設計課程的專任教師。在設計業界方面,為民國九十年中華民國視覺設計協會與民國九十年中華民國美術設計協會之會員名錄,在設計教師方面,為任教於國內大學攝影與設計課程的專任教師均屬之,採問卷調查法,經隨機抽樣抽取樣本共計900位。研究結果如下:一、攝影部分: 本研究顯示攝影科目學習難易度中,落入「普通」區間共計有印刷概論及色彩學等11個科目;落入「困難」區間共計有數位攝影、人像攝影、專業攝影等8個科目。攝影科目專業工作重要等級中,落入「不重要」區間共計有素描、傳播理論、攝影設計等3個科目;落入「普通」區間共計有印刷概論及色彩學等15個科目;落入「重要」區間只有數位攝影1個科目。攝影科目業界未來需求性等級中,落入「不變」區間共計有印刷概論及傳播理論等14個科目;落入「增加」區間共計5個科目,分別為:色彩學、數位攝影、攝影設計、攝影藝術、影像處理。二、設計部分: 本研究顯示設計科目學習難易度中,落入「簡單」區間共計2個科目,分別為:攝影學、印刷設計;落入「普通」區間共計有心理學及電腦概論等15個科目;落入「困難」區間共計7個科目,分別為:中西藝術史、印刷概論、傳播理論、藝術概論、表現技法、版面編排與設計、插畫設計。設計科目專業工作重要等級中,落入「不重要」區間共計2個科目,分別為:中西藝術史、攝影設計;落入「普通」區間共計有心理學及印刷概論等22個科目。設計科目業界未來需求性等級中,落入「不變」區間共計有印刷概論及電腦概論等19個科目;落入「增加」區間共計5個科目,分別為:心理學、色彩學、行銷學、攝影設計、多媒體設計與製作。
he purpose of this study was primarily to construct a professionally viable Photography and Design curriculum for Graphic Communications and related fields, and secondarily to project new directions for a technology-driven Photography and Design of the future. The subject-areas were divided into two parts. The Photography subject-area came from the Chamber of Commerce of Chinese Commercial Photography's member list; the Design subject-domain came from the Photography and Design curricula of domestic universities. This study used a questionnaire survey and randomly selected 900 respondents in total. The findings were: Photography: In terms of degree of learning difficulty 11 subjects (subject-areas), including Introduction to Printing, fell in the "moderate" range and 8 subjects fell in the "difficult" range; in terms of degree of importance of professional competency, 3 subjects fell in the "unimportant" range, 15 in the "moderate" range and only 1 in the "important" range; in terms of degree of future demand, 14 subjects fell in the "remains unchanged" range and 5 in the "increasing" range. Design: In terms of degree of learning difficulty, 2 subjects (Photography and Printing Design) fell in the "easy" range, 15 subjects in the "moderate" range and 7 subjects in the "difficult" range; in terms of degree of importance of professional competency, 2 subjects fell in the "unimportant" range and 22 in the "moderate" range; in terms of degree of future demand, 19 subjects fell in the "remains unchanged" range and 5 in the "increasing" range.
he purpose of this study was primarily to construct a professionally viable Photography and Design curriculum for Graphic Communications and related fields, and secondarily to project new directions for a technology-driven Photography and Design of the future. The subject-areas were divided into two parts. The Photography subject-area came from the Chamber of Commerce of Chinese Commercial Photography's member list; the Design subject-domain came from the Photography and Design curricula of domestic universities. This study used a questionnaire survey and randomly selected 900 respondents in total. The findings were: Photography: In terms of degree of learning difficulty 11 subjects (subject-areas), including Introduction to Printing, fell in the "moderate" range and 8 subjects fell in the "difficult" range; in terms of degree of importance of professional competency, 3 subjects fell in the "unimportant" range, 15 in the "moderate" range and only 1 in the "important" range; in terms of degree of future demand, 14 subjects fell in the "remains unchanged" range and 5 in the "increasing" range. Design: In terms of degree of learning difficulty, 2 subjects (Photography and Printing Design) fell in the "easy" range, 15 subjects in the "moderate" range and 7 subjects in the "difficult" range; in terms of degree of importance of professional competency, 2 subjects fell in the "unimportant" range and 22 in the "moderate" range; in terms of degree of future demand, 19 subjects fell in the "remains unchanged" range and 5 in the "increasing" range.