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本研究對象僅以九十二學年度全台北縣65所公立國民小學附設補校為範圍,並以實際擔任台北縣國民小學實施外籍配偶識字教育之承辦主任、幹事及實際任課教師為全面普查研究對象。共發出481份,回收437 份,回收率90.8 ﹪,其中有效問卷423份,無效問卷14份,可用率佔總樣本87.94﹪。再分別以平均數、標準差、次數分配、t考驗、寇克蘭Q考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析、積差相關等進行統計分析,主要發現如下:
一、 統合各單位以建立外籍配偶識字教育明確發展機制,訂定完整長期發展計畫。
二、 成立指定專人專責機構、負責外籍配偶識字教育輔導研究與發展中心。
三、 從長計議,建立外籍配偶識字教育完整配套措施。
四、 研究建立外籍配偶識字教育發展模式,以為國內落實與推展的重要歷程。
五、 善意的立法,強制「外籍配偶強制入學」的可行性。
六、 舉辦外籍配偶識字教育師資的專業訓練,提升教師教學知能。
七、 訂定有效的外籍配偶識字教育福利獎勵措施,吸引教師、學員參與的意願。
八、 吸納民間資源,推動策略聯盟,開創多元的外籍配偶識字教育管道。
九、 寬籌外籍配偶識字教育經費,開闢多元的外籍配偶識字教育學習管道與機會。
一、 訂定長程的外籍配偶識字教育需求與成效評估程序,作為規劃與執行之基礎。
二、 建立學校成為外籍配偶識字教育社區學習資源中心之特色。
三、 積極有效的行銷策略,擴大外籍配偶識字教育的招生效果。
四、 、建立外籍配偶識字教育師生適當的關係模式,提升教學效果。
The research is showing to bring into practice and effects of the process of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education of elementary school of the Taipei County, and to address the conclusion and suggestion. For the purpose of the making questionnaire of The process of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education of elementary school of the Taipei County. It starts questionnaire investigate and information collected. The target is focus the academic year of 92 whom are the public elementary schools have adult education program. Also start to investigated with the deans, administers and teachers. It handout 481 papers with 473 papers back, which is 90.8 percent gets papers back. They are 423 papers valid simples, 14 papers void. Therefore, the usability simple is 89.94 percent. It also compared and calculated under an average, standard differences, proof, Conchran,Q-test ,to gather statistics. It finds out some result following below: 1.They are all well-prepared to work on the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education by elementary schools. 2.Elementary schools all well knows to focus on the education activated, but it less teaching strategy 3.Elementary schools handle the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ best result is students’ individual performance. And the others are teacher self-growing, schooling growing and a little failure by family support. 4.Varied education level and seniority has a gap obviously and differences by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education. 5.Varied education level , seniority and specialized field study has a gap obviously and difference by the education activated of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education. 6.Varied education level , seniority and specialized field study also has a gap obviously and difference by the education activated of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education while are handling the process. 7. Teachers’ salary, temporary suspension of schooling, editing teaching martial are the difficult situation by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ problem of others. 8.Rising teachers’ salary, the problem of student quitting, opening non-governmental visiting to solve the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ difficult position. 9.There main idea of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education by elementary school are : pre-prepared, reading activate, and the result are connected each other closely. 1.Suggestions to the government of education department (1).Reunion all the education departments to build up the developing method, and conclude a long term development. (2)Established a case earmarked for special effort which is handling the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ counseling and developing center. (3)Well paining to set up a complete education model and system. (4)Researching a good model and system of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education to be practicable and pushing forwards’ principal progress. (5)Reasonable to institute legal issue to force the entry possibility by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ (6)To hold more teacher training and teaching skill of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education (7)Making more educated benefits, scholarships to attended leaning pleasure (8)Using non-governments’ resource to open more alliance and mapping out diversification learning for the foreign spouses’ (9).Increasing more budgets for the education listed, also created more opportunity and environment (10)Positives using retired teachers’ volunteer training to join the teaching system. 2.Suggestions to the administer of education department (1)Making long terms’ education needs and effects to estimate the order for the planning and processing by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ foundation. (2)Set up schools of the spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ leaning community and showing the distinguishing features (3)Energetic the strategy to attract the foreign spouses attention and to expend the enrollment effect. (4)Actively to solve all problems of foreign spouses and well-using teaching skills for the foreign spouses. (5)Enhance the cultures cultivation and return to original equation to the value of Taiwan diversification (6)Set up more diversification educations for the foreign spouses, and get supports by the family and sociality. 3. Suggestions to the elementary school teachers (1)Developing well education programs for the foreign spouses (2)Emphasis on the teaching material selection, functional education and respect their culture distinguishing features (3)Select and adopt manners by animated educated styles, and to bring up students’ capability. (4)Cate good relationship between students and teachers to bring up the learning effect. Ⅰ.Be equal, loving and respect to reduce students’ pressure. Ⅱ.Be friendly and admit to come into existence to belong to with them. Ⅲ.Build up the relationship between teacher and friends, it will learn lots from each others to be win-win situation. Ⅳ.stablished courses and teachers’ evaluation to raise the teaching qualities. 4.Suggestions for the future researching (1)For the Research method: while working on the same theme of research, if it can get the permission from school to into school to understanding the concept and process, also join the local to knowing all the situations through education activated or nationality research by the long term observation for the foreign spouses Chinese adult education. (2)For the Research target: forthe similar or related the theme, it could be enlarge the area to whole country, also increase the simples to raise up the result more efficiency. On the other hand, to increase the area, target and simples can prove and compare the result for each other. (3)For the Research contents: for the best result, it can be add research variables, for instance school background variable: classes, established year, and such so on. For those variables might be increase students’ learning performance.
The research is showing to bring into practice and effects of the process of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education of elementary school of the Taipei County, and to address the conclusion and suggestion. For the purpose of the making questionnaire of The process of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education of elementary school of the Taipei County. It starts questionnaire investigate and information collected. The target is focus the academic year of 92 whom are the public elementary schools have adult education program. Also start to investigated with the deans, administers and teachers. It handout 481 papers with 473 papers back, which is 90.8 percent gets papers back. They are 423 papers valid simples, 14 papers void. Therefore, the usability simple is 89.94 percent. It also compared and calculated under an average, standard differences, proof, Conchran,Q-test ,to gather statistics. It finds out some result following below: 1.They are all well-prepared to work on the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education by elementary schools. 2.Elementary schools all well knows to focus on the education activated, but it less teaching strategy 3.Elementary schools handle the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ best result is students’ individual performance. And the others are teacher self-growing, schooling growing and a little failure by family support. 4.Varied education level and seniority has a gap obviously and differences by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education. 5.Varied education level , seniority and specialized field study has a gap obviously and difference by the education activated of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education. 6.Varied education level , seniority and specialized field study also has a gap obviously and difference by the education activated of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education while are handling the process. 7. Teachers’ salary, temporary suspension of schooling, editing teaching martial are the difficult situation by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ problem of others. 8.Rising teachers’ salary, the problem of student quitting, opening non-governmental visiting to solve the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ difficult position. 9.There main idea of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education by elementary school are : pre-prepared, reading activate, and the result are connected each other closely. 1.Suggestions to the government of education department (1).Reunion all the education departments to build up the developing method, and conclude a long term development. (2)Established a case earmarked for special effort which is handling the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ counseling and developing center. (3)Well paining to set up a complete education model and system. (4)Researching a good model and system of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education to be practicable and pushing forwards’ principal progress. (5)Reasonable to institute legal issue to force the entry possibility by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ (6)To hold more teacher training and teaching skill of the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy education (7)Making more educated benefits, scholarships to attended leaning pleasure (8)Using non-governments’ resource to open more alliance and mapping out diversification learning for the foreign spouses’ (9).Increasing more budgets for the education listed, also created more opportunity and environment (10)Positives using retired teachers’ volunteer training to join the teaching system. 2.Suggestions to the administer of education department (1)Making long terms’ education needs and effects to estimate the order for the planning and processing by the foreign spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ foundation. (2)Set up schools of the spouses’ Chinese literacy educations’ leaning community and showing the distinguishing features (3)Energetic the strategy to attract the foreign spouses attention and to expend the enrollment effect. (4)Actively to solve all problems of foreign spouses and well-using teaching skills for the foreign spouses. (5)Enhance the cultures cultivation and return to original equation to the value of Taiwan diversification (6)Set up more diversification educations for the foreign spouses, and get supports by the family and sociality. 3. Suggestions to the elementary school teachers (1)Developing well education programs for the foreign spouses (2)Emphasis on the teaching material selection, functional education and respect their culture distinguishing features (3)Select and adopt manners by animated educated styles, and to bring up students’ capability. (4)Cate good relationship between students and teachers to bring up the learning effect. Ⅰ.Be equal, loving and respect to reduce students’ pressure. Ⅱ.Be friendly and admit to come into existence to belong to with them. Ⅲ.Build up the relationship between teacher and friends, it will learn lots from each others to be win-win situation. Ⅳ.stablished courses and teachers’ evaluation to raise the teaching qualities. 4.Suggestions for the future researching (1)For the Research method: while working on the same theme of research, if it can get the permission from school to into school to understanding the concept and process, also join the local to knowing all the situations through education activated or nationality research by the long term observation for the foreign spouses Chinese adult education. (2)For the Research target: forthe similar or related the theme, it could be enlarge the area to whole country, also increase the simples to raise up the result more efficiency. On the other hand, to increase the area, target and simples can prove and compare the result for each other. (3)For the Research contents: for the best result, it can be add research variables, for instance school background variable: classes, established year, and such so on. For those variables might be increase students’ learning performance.
外籍配偶, 識字教育