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本研究利用99.999%高純度鋁材,經過二次陽極處理法製作出表面具高孔隙度、規則孔洞分佈之鋁陽極奈米模板(anodic aluminum oxide,AAO),隨著製程條件(如:施加電壓、電化學槽溫度與擴孔時間等)之不同與電化學反應系統的控制可製得80~450nm之不同管徑的AAO,其孔洞密度可達10^8~10^10孔洞.cm^-2,同時利用浸漬法與熱熔法將碘化銫閃爍晶體材料沉積進入AAO模板內,製得單晶結構之碘化銫次微米線,而此高深寬比與高密度之AAO結構與碘化銫次微米線之形成機制將分別以電化學和熱力學解釋之。
This study used 99.999% high purity aluminum foil through two steps anodization process making a high pore densities, ordering anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. The various AAO pore diameters from 80 nm to 450 nm can be controlled well by controlling electrochemical sysyem and adjusting parameters such as applied voltage, electrolyte temperature and pore widening time, etc. AAO pore densities can be evaluated from 10^8 to 10^10 pore•cm^-2. Then, the single crystal of cesium iodide (CsI) sub-microwires were fabricated by liquid phase deposition method and thermal casting method. The mechanisms of this high aspect ratio and high densities structure and CsI sub-microwires forming were discussed and explained using the electrochemistry and thermodynamics.
This study used 99.999% high purity aluminum foil through two steps anodization process making a high pore densities, ordering anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. The various AAO pore diameters from 80 nm to 450 nm can be controlled well by controlling electrochemical sysyem and adjusting parameters such as applied voltage, electrolyte temperature and pore widening time, etc. AAO pore densities can be evaluated from 10^8 to 10^10 pore•cm^-2. Then, the single crystal of cesium iodide (CsI) sub-microwires were fabricated by liquid phase deposition method and thermal casting method. The mechanisms of this high aspect ratio and high densities structure and CsI sub-microwires forming were discussed and explained using the electrochemistry and thermodynamics.
閃爍晶體, 碘化銫, 鋁陽極奈米模板, 熱浸法, scintillator, cesium iodide (CsI), anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates, thermal casting method