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在Covid-19疫情之前已有護理人員過勞議題,而疫情的延續加劇護理人員的過勞問題,由於醫療院所需要護理人員輪班提供不間斷的健康照護,導致許多護理人員身心出現狀況,根據衛福部2023年歷年研究計畫估計,臺灣2024年護理人員的缺口將達到2.4萬人,顯示護理人員過勞已是臺灣不可忽視的議題。為探討不同的新聞呈現方式、不同議題涉入度與生理性別在閱聽人沉浸體驗、負向情緒、同理心、知識之影響,本研究以關鍵評論網護理人員過勞相關新聞內容為基礎,自行製作出「護理師的一天」新聞遊戲,並採用2 (新聞遊戲 vs. 非新聞遊戲)x 2(議題涉入度高 vs. 議題涉入度低) x 2(生理男 vs. 生理女)的組間實驗設計,希望藉由實驗法探討不同新聞呈現方式對閱聽人的影響,同時探討不同新聞呈現方式、不同議題涉入度與生理性別在四個依變項中是否具有互相調節的作用。研究結果顯示,新聞遊戲形式與議題涉入度高相較於圖文報導與涉入低的組別較能引發閱聽人更佳的沉浸體驗、負面情緒、同理心與知識。在自變項兩者交互作用方面,新聞呈現方式與生理性別在沉浸體驗、同理心有顯著交互作用;在三者交互方面,新聞呈現方式、性別與議題涉入度在沉浸體驗與知識具顯著交互作用,其餘的交互雖然無未達到顯著效果,但數據趨勢仍與研究假設相似。由於研究證實僅簡易的新聞遊戲形式就能有效提高閱聽人的沉浸體驗、負面情緒、同理心與知識,建議未來新聞業者可以投入更多精力與成本來製作不同議題的新聞遊戲。
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of overworked nursing staff already existed. The ongoing pandemic has exacerbated the problem, as medical institutions require nurses to work in shifts to provide continuous healthcare, leading to physical and mental health issues among many nurses. According to a research project by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2023, it is estimated that Taiwan will face a shortage of 24,000 nurses by 2024, indicating that the issue of overworked nursing staff is a critical issue in Taiwan.To explore the impact of different news presentation methods, varying levels of issue involvement, and biological gender on audience immersion, negative emotions, empathy, and knowledge, this study created a news game titled"A Day in the Life of a Nurse" based on related news content about overworked nurses from The News Lens. The study employed a 2 (news game vs. non-news game) x 2 (high issue involvement vs. low issue involvement) x 2 (biological male vs. biological female) between-subjects experimental design. The aim was to investigate the effects of different news presentation methods on the audience and to examine whether different news presentation methods, varying levels of issue involvement, and biologicalgender have interactive effects on the four dependent variables.The results of the study indicated that compared to text-based reports and low issue involvement, the news game format and high issue involvement were more effective in eliciting better audience immersion, negative emotions, empathy, and knowledge. In terms of the interaction between the independent variables, there was a significant interaction between news presentation method and biological gender on immersion and empathy. Regarding the three-way interaction, news presentation method, gender, and issue involvement had significant interactive effects on immersion and knowledge. Although other interactions did not reach statistical significance, the data trends were still consistent with the research hypotheses. Since the study confirmed that even a simple news game format could effectively enhance audience immersion, negative emotions, empathy, and knowledge, it is suggested that news media should invest more effort and resources into creating news games on various issues in the future.



護理人員, 新聞遊戲, 過勞, 議題涉入度, 沉浸體驗, 負向情緒, 同理心, 知識, 性別, nursing staff, news games, overwork, issue involvement, immersion, negative emotions, empathy, knowledge, gender





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