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四、在社會心理因素方面,復治療結果期待、社會支持與自我效能均與治療意圖呈現正相關;而復治療障礙性則與治療意圖呈現負相關。至於缺牙/ 復相關知識、牙科就醫焦慮則與治療意圖無顯著相關。
五、籍貫、嚼檳榔習慣、缺牙時間、有無復治療經驗、口腔健康自覺狀況、復治療結果期待、復治療障礙性認知、復治療的社會支持與自我效能等九個變項對復治療意圖的預測力達46.5%(Adjusted R2=42.6%),其中「復治療的自我效能」對研究對象之復治療意圖解釋力最大,其次為「口腔健康自覺狀況不好」、「缺牙五至十年」、「復治療結果期待」、「嚼檳榔習慣」,這五個變項均對復治療意圖有顯著預測力。
The main purpose of this study was to identify factors (including selected demographic characteristics& psychosocial variables) that may influence prosthodontic treatment intention of tooth loss patients. By using a purposeful sampling method, 192 adult dental patients who at least lost one tooth were selected to participate in this survey. The data was collected by a self-administrated questionnaire in 4 dental clinics in Xindian City from Sep. to Nov. 2005. T-test, one-way ANOVA, point- biserial correlation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation & multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that: 1.62.5% of the subjects had positive intention for prosthodontic treat- ment in the future 2 months. 2.The subjects’ Outcome Expectancy& Social Support for pros- thodontic treatment were positive, but Knowledge & Self-efficacy was poor. Besides, Perceived Barriers & Dental Anxiety were high. 3.The following subjects had poorer treatment intention: Taiwanese, betal nut chewer, positive perceived oral health, had lost tooth for more than 10 years & had no or bad prosthodontic experience. 4.Outcome Expectancy, Perceived Barriers, Social Support & Self- efficacy were significantly associated with treatment intention. 5.The relatedvariables explained 46.5% of the variance in treatment intention. Among them, Self-efficacy, Perceived Oral Health, the Period since tooth was lost, Outcome Expectancy& Betal-nut Chewing were significant predictors of prosthodontic treatment intention.
The main purpose of this study was to identify factors (including selected demographic characteristics& psychosocial variables) that may influence prosthodontic treatment intention of tooth loss patients. By using a purposeful sampling method, 192 adult dental patients who at least lost one tooth were selected to participate in this survey. The data was collected by a self-administrated questionnaire in 4 dental clinics in Xindian City from Sep. to Nov. 2005. T-test, one-way ANOVA, point- biserial correlation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation & multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that: 1.62.5% of the subjects had positive intention for prosthodontic treat- ment in the future 2 months. 2.The subjects’ Outcome Expectancy& Social Support for pros- thodontic treatment were positive, but Knowledge & Self-efficacy was poor. Besides, Perceived Barriers & Dental Anxiety were high. 3.The following subjects had poorer treatment intention: Taiwanese, betal nut chewer, positive perceived oral health, had lost tooth for more than 10 years & had no or bad prosthodontic experience. 4.Outcome Expectancy, Perceived Barriers, Social Support & Self- efficacy were significantly associated with treatment intention. 5.The relatedvariables explained 46.5% of the variance in treatment intention. Among them, Self-efficacy, Perceived Oral Health, the Period since tooth was lost, Outcome Expectancy& Betal-nut Chewing were significant predictors of prosthodontic treatment intention.
缺牙, 復治療, 意圖, 自我效能, 結果期待, 社會支持, 障礙性認知, 牙科焦慮, loss tooth, prosthodontic treatment, intention, self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, social support, perceived barriers, dental anxiety