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本研究以服務於臺北市政府所屬機關編制內公務人員為研究對象,以問卷調查法進行資料收集,得到的有效樣本共349 名。本研究所使用的研究工具包括:「心理資本量表」及「組織承諾量表」暨「基本資料表」。調查所得資料,以t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理。主要研究結果如下:
The main purposes of this research were to understand the status of psychological capital and organizational commitment of civil servants’ in Taipei City Government, and also to explore the variables that influence the results. This research was mainly based on the questionnaire survey.The questionnaire was designed to survey civil servants in Taipei City Government. There were 349 valid questionnaires in this research. The survey consisted of three parts: Psychological Capital Questionnaire, Organizational Commitment Scale, and Demographic background information.Descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple-regression analysis were used for data analyss. The findings of study are below: 1.The civil servants’ psychological capital in Taipei City Government showed medium-high degree. 2. The civil servants’ organizational commitment in Taipei City Government showed medium-high degree. 3.There were significant demongraphic differences on psychological capital,including gender, age, marital status, the number of children , total service period , and positions. 4. There were significant demongraphic differences on organizational commitment,including, gender, age, , marital status, the number of children ,service period , total service period , positions,and the scale of administrative organization, the type of administrative organization. 5.There was a significant positive relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment . 6. There was significant predictive power of civil servants’ part psychological capital on civil servants’ organizational commitment by controlling personal background information. And construct of “optimism” had highest regression coefficient in multiple regression analysis. In the end of this study, the researcher concludes the findings and offers substantial suggestions for the administrative management, the personnel unit, and civil servant .
The main purposes of this research were to understand the status of psychological capital and organizational commitment of civil servants’ in Taipei City Government, and also to explore the variables that influence the results. This research was mainly based on the questionnaire survey.The questionnaire was designed to survey civil servants in Taipei City Government. There were 349 valid questionnaires in this research. The survey consisted of three parts: Psychological Capital Questionnaire, Organizational Commitment Scale, and Demographic background information.Descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple-regression analysis were used for data analyss. The findings of study are below: 1.The civil servants’ psychological capital in Taipei City Government showed medium-high degree. 2. The civil servants’ organizational commitment in Taipei City Government showed medium-high degree. 3.There were significant demongraphic differences on psychological capital,including gender, age, marital status, the number of children , total service period , and positions. 4. There were significant demongraphic differences on organizational commitment,including, gender, age, , marital status, the number of children ,service period , total service period , positions,and the scale of administrative organization, the type of administrative organization. 5.There was a significant positive relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment . 6. There was significant predictive power of civil servants’ part psychological capital on civil servants’ organizational commitment by controlling personal background information. And construct of “optimism” had highest regression coefficient in multiple regression analysis. In the end of this study, the researcher concludes the findings and offers substantial suggestions for the administrative management, the personnel unit, and civil servant .
公務人員, 心理資本, 組織承諾, civil servant, psychological capital, organizational commitment