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本論文之主要目的在了解大學生自殺意念現況,並探討社會人口學變項、自尊、憂鬱程度、社會支持與其自殺意念之間的關係。研究母群體為台北市某大學學士班學生,採隨機取樣法抽出研究樣本,並利用自填試問卷方法進行資料收集,共獲得有效樣本數385人,有效回收率為96.3%。所得資料以單因子變異數分析,t檢定、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸統計方法進行分析。 重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象過去一週曾有自殺意念之比率為39.5%;其中大四學生自殺意念 顯著高於大一學生。 二、研究對象整體自尊呈現中等偏正向程度。 三、研究對象最近兩星期以來出現輕度以上憂鬱情形的比率為25.5%。 四、研究對象社會支持來源以「朋友支持」 最多,「特定他人支持」其次, 「家人支持」最少;其中大二學生知覺的社會支持顯著高於大四學生。 五、研究對象憂鬱程度與自殺意念之間有顯著正相關;自尊、社會支持與自殺 意念之間有顯著負相關。 六、研究對象的社會人口學變項、自尊、憂鬱程度、社會支持可以解釋大學生 自殺意念58.4%的總變異量。 七、有效預測大學生自殺意念的變項為憂鬱程度及家人支持,其中憂鬱程度是 最重要的預測變項。 最後依據研究結果進行討論,並分別針對校園自殺防治的實務 工作與未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of suicidal ideation among college students and to further explore its relationships between self-esteem, the degree of depression, and social support. The researching matrix based on the college students of a certain private university. It adopted random sampling method, and used self-administrated questionnaires to set up the statistics, thus, we acquired 385 valid samples and the effective rate of return came to be 96.3%. The statistics were analyzed by the methods of one-way ANOVA, T-test, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression. The major findings are as follows: 1.There were about 39.5% research subjects having experienced suicidal ideation during the previous week. Among them, the seniors were higher than the freshmen.. 2.The subjects' self- esteem of the research was at middle- high level. 3.There were 25.5% research subjects having reached a level above the light depression during the past two weeks. 4.The most social support of the subjects came mainly from their friends , the next was significant others’ and the least was family support. The sophomores’ perceived social support was higher than the seniors. 5.The suicidal ideation of subjects showed a positive correlation between the degree of depression, and showed a negative correlation between self- esteem and social support. 6.The demography data, self- esteem, the degree of depression and the social support could explain 58.4% of the total variation in suicidal ideation of the subjects. 7.The degree of depression and family support could predict suicidal ideation of college students, and the most important predictor was the degree of depression. At the end of this thesis, these results were discussed and suggestions for the practical experience and future studies. Key Words: suicidal ideation, self-esteem, the degree of depression, social support, college students



自殺意念, 大學生, 自尊, 憂鬱程度, 社會支持, college students, suicidal ideation, self-esteem, the degree of depression, social support





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