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南聲社從明國初年開始至今已經有百年的歷史,關於南聲社的文獻和書籍也已經有許多,但多以紀錄從開館至二十一世紀初的南聲社活動情形為主。由於受到許多外界因素的影響,現在文化之間的融合,人們對於傳統文化的任職,和外來文化的入侵,多方面的因素導致了南管在社會上的地位越來越不受到重視。 以下在序論的部份會就南聲社的發展概述、相關文獻探討和研究方法做一個說明。從1915年建館至今,南聲社所經歷的館先生、館主以及館閣不斷的遷徙對於南聲社所帶來的影響。在南管這一領域,相關的書籍文獻等都有著非常眾多的研究,南聲社僅僅只是其中非常微小的一部分,筆者就這一文化現象對於相關的文化現象做一個簡單的分析說明。最後結合筆者在完成本篇文章的資料蒐集的過程,做一個詳細的說明。因為本篇文章主要呈現之內容為對於南聲社之發展及現況的研究,故在蒐集資料的部分,筆者為獲取第一手資料,與南聲社的不少前輩都建立了非常深厚的感情。 本文一共分為三章,第一章為南聲社的組織,按照館閣的重要組成部分又分為三個章節,分別為館主、館先生和館員,其中館員的部份又分為核心館員和新進館員兩個部份。從館主的更替和館先生的更迭來描述南聲社的歷史沿革,主要描述了從1993年林長倫館主過世之後至今,南聲社在組織人員上的變動。 第二章為南聲社的活動,分為三個部份,分別是儀式性活動、音樂性活動和教學推廣活動。儀式活動主要是以筆者從2015年至2016年,以南聲社為主要觀察對象,以其春、秋兩次的郎君祭為觀察對象來進行一般性的儀式描述;演出活動紀錄包括了近半個世紀南聲社國內外的演出交流活動,並以2106年九月南聲社受邀赴日本交流演出的活動為主;教學推廣活動的部份主要以現任館先生張栢仲老師在喜樹國小南管社團以及台南藝術大學國樂系所開設的與南管相關的選修課程的教學情形為主要說明對象。 第三章為南聲社於2015年所舉辦的建館百週年暨秋季郎君祭的細節描述,在這一章裡面將會對此次的郎君祭做一個詳細的紀錄和描述。其規模之宏大,內容之豐富在現在的南管文化圈中已經很少可以見到,因此本章節會對於此次郎君祭的整個儀式過程以及前來參加的南管團體進行敘述。同時也會將此次的郎君祭和南聲社普通性質的儀式活動做一個簡單的對比,以凸顯出此次的郎君祭對於南聲社的意義之重要。 最後在結論的部分,筆者將自己近兩年的實地調查結合前輩眾多描述南聲社的文字資料,主要從1993年至2016年的生存現況以及其生態文化做一個總結。
Since the beginning of the early years of the Ming Dynasty has been a hundred years of history, on the Nan Guan Society of literature and books have been many, but more to record from the opening to the beginning of the twenty-first century, the activities of the Nan Guan activities. As a result of many external factors, and now the integration between cultures, people for the traditional culture of the service, and foreign cultural invasion, a variety of factors led to the Nan Guan in the social status of more and more attention. The following part of the preface will be on the development of the Nan Guan, the relevant literature to explore and research methods to do a note. Since the establishment of the museum in 1915, the Nan Guan experienced by the museum, the main hall and the Pavilion of the continuous migration of the impact of the Nan Guan. In this area of the Nan Guan, the relevant books and so on have a very large number of studies, the Nan Guan is only a very small part of it, the author of this cultural phenomenon for the relevant cultural phenomenon to do a simple analysis. Finally combined with the author in the completion of this article information collection process, do a detailed description. Because the main content of this article for the development of the Nan Guan Society and the status quo of the study, so in the collection of information on the part of the author to obtain first-hand information, and the Nan Guan Society of many predecessors have established a very deep feelings The This chapter is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the organization of the Nan Guan. It is divided into three chapters according to the important part of the museum. It is the main hall, the librarian and the librarian, among which the part of the librarian is divided into the core Librarians and new librarians. From the change of the main hall and the change of the museum to describe the history of the Nan Guan Society, mainly described since 1993, Lin Changlun home after the death of the Lord, Nan Guan Society in the organization of personnel changes. The second chapter is the activities of the Nan Guan, divided into three parts, namely, ritual activities, musical activities and teaching and promotional activities. The ritual activities are mainly based on the author from 2015 to 2016, the Nan Guan Society as the main observation object, with its spring and autumn Lang Jun sacrifice as the observation object to carry out a general ritual description; performance records include the near Half a century of Nan Guan music club at home and abroad performances exchange activities, and in September 2106 Nan Guan Society was invited to Japan to exchange performance-based activities; teaching activities to the main part of the current Mr. Zhang Bozhong teacher in the hi tree country The small Nan Guan tube association and the Tainan University of the Arts Department of the national music department set up with the Nan Guan tube related elective courses teaching situation as the main description of the object. The third chapter is the description of the details of the centennial and autumn monarchy held by the Nan Guan Society in 2015. In this chapter, we will make a detailed record and description of the Langjun Festival. The scale of the rich, the content of the rich in the current management of the Nan Guan has been rarely seen in the circle, so this section will be the Lang ritual of the ritual process and to attend the Nan Guan group to describe. But also the Lang Jun Festival and the Nan Guan of ordinary nature of the ritual activities to do a simple comparison to highlight the Lang Jun Festival for the meaning of the importance of the Nan Guan Society. Finally, in the part of the conclusion, the author will own nearly two years of field investigation combined with predecessors to describe many of the Nan Guan text, mainly from 1993 to 2016 living conditions and its ecological culture to do a summary.



南聲社百週年, 南管, 南聲社, 郎君祭, 100anniversary of Nan Sheng She, Nan Guan, Nan Sheng She, Lang Jun Festival





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