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教育部自2008年起,為落實「在地學習」之理念,結合各縣(市)各級學校、政府機關(構)、民間團體等,於全國各鄉(鎮、市、區)設置「樂齡學習中心」用以推動高齡學習。而本研究旨在探究不同背景變項之高齡學習者,其學習參與和社會資本之關聯。主要目的為了解:一、高齡學習者學習參與之現況。二、高齡學習者社會資本之現況。三、探討不同背景高齡學習者,在學習參與及其社會資本上之差異情形、相關性。四、探討高齡學習者在學習參與對其社會資本之預測情形等。本研究採用問卷調查法,以「高齡學習者社會資本量表」、「高齡學習者學習參與量表」為研究工具,從教育部於2022年核可之370所樂齡中心,以立意抽樣出34所樂齡學習中心,進行問卷調查(發出1,175份問卷),計回收875份有效樣本。前項量表經過專家學者審查、項目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析和驗證性因素分析來確定其信、效度。而所得之資料進行敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等方式來進行分析,以驗證本研究之各項假設。根據分析所得,提出研究之結論如下:一、高齡學習者之學習參與屬高等程度,其中以「情感參與」程度最高,「主動參與」 程度最低。二、高齡學習者之社會資本屬中高等程度,其中以「生命價值」程度最高,「社會參與」程度最低。 三、高齡學習者為經濟狀況大致夠用者、健康狀況非常健康、良好及不好者、獨居或其他者、職業曾為軍公教、家庭主婦、服務業者,對於部分學習參與構面知覺程度較高。 四、高齡學習者為年齡超過75歲以上者、低於國小學歷及國小學歷者、經濟狀況大致夠用者、健康狀況非常健康及不好者,對於部分社會資本構面知覺程度較高。 五、高齡學習者之學習參與和社會資本各構面之間,均達統計良好的顯著水準(p < .01),代表具有良好的顯著相關情形。 六、高齡學習者之學習參與對社會資本各構面和整體層面具有預測力,且達統計極佳的顯著水準(p < .001)。 依據研究結論提出建議,僅供高齡學習業管單位、高齡學習者及未來研究之參據。
Since 2008, in order to implement the concept of" local learning", the Ministry of Education has set up "Active Aging Learning Center", in various townships (towns, cities, districts) across the country in combination with schools at all levels in counties (cities), government agencies (institutions), and non-governmental organizations. Active Aging Learning Center is dedicated to providing high-quality educational programs to older learners. The researcher aimed to explore the relationship between learning engagement and social capital amongolder learners with different background variables. The main purpose of the study is to understand:1. The current status of learning engagement of older learners.2. The current status of social capital of older learners.3. To explore correlation and the differences in learning engagement and social capital among older learners of different backgrounds.4. To discuss the prediction of social capital of older learners during their learning engagement.This research adopted the questionnaire survey method, with the use of" Social Capital Scale of Older Learners " and " Learning Engagement Scale of Older Learners" as research tools. Among all the 370 Learning Center of Senior Citizens approved by the Ministry of Education in 2022, 34 senior learning centers were chosen to conduct the questionnaire survey (1,175 questionnaires were issued), and 875 valid samples were recovered. The former scales has been reviewed by experts and scholars meetings, item analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis andconfirmatory factors analysis to determine its reliability and validity. The obtained data were subjected to descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-difference correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and other methods were used for analysis to verify the hypotheses of this study. The conclusions of the study are as follows:1. The learning engagement of older learners is at a high level, with the highest level of"emotional engagement " and the lowest level of "active engagement ". 2. The social capital of older learners is at a medium to high level, with the highest level of "life value" and the lowest level of "social participation". 3. Older learners are those with adequate economic status, very healthy, good or bad, living alone or others, the former occupation of government employees, military, teachers, housewives, and service workers. Perceived levels of some aspects of learning engagement are higher. 4. Older learners are those who are over 75 years old, those with lower than elementary school education and elementary school education, those whose economic status are generally adequate, and those whose health status are very healthy or poor, and have a higher degree of perception of some aspects of social capital. 5. The learning engagement and social capital of older learners all reached a high degree of statistical significance (p < .01), which represented a high-quality and significant correlation.6. The learning engagement of older learners has predictive power on all aspects of social capital and the overall level, and it reached a statistically excellent level of significance (p< .001). Suggestions based on the research conclusions are only for the reference ofelderly learning management units, older learners and future research.



高齡學習者, 學習參與, 社會資本, 樂齡學習中心, older learners, learning engagement, social capital, Active Aging Learning Center





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