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Department of Life Science, NTNU
Department of Life Science, NTNU
本研究運用改良之動態輪廓模型(Active Contour Model)演算法來製作一套同時具備即時植物影像追蹤與生長量測記錄之觀測平臺,透過本平臺可線上針對所欲觀測進行遠距而即時之植物觀察、測量與生長追蹤。此一即時觀測平臺使用CCD Camera進行影像的擷取,並以Java程式開發而成。本系統運作上只需於首度使用時以滑鼠針對植株或標的構造做概略的圈選標示,在完成初步手動標示後,系統隨即利用動態輪廓模型演算法將物件邊緣資訊進行精確之擷取,同時計算並記錄該物件質心座標與輪廓區域之面積,並在植物持續之生長過程中進行長時間的連續追蹤、記錄,並持續更新相關植株生長的量化數據資訊。由於系統運作採用電腦自動化非破壞性量測,故在植物生長觀測過程中可降低人為的干擾與破壞,可提供相關植物生長與發育實驗觀察之遠距教學應用,並提供植物學研究中對於特有物種的控制培育條件之觀察與評估,而系統記錄之量測數據亦可供日後研究人員進行相關影響植物生長因子分析之用。
In this paper, we describe a remote plant growth observation system. This system has the capacity to on-line measure and record the data of plant growth. The tracking mechanism is based a modified active contour model. Users just need to roughly mark the target plant to be the initial contour. The system will continuously track the plant growth. The area encircled by the contour and the corresponding mass center will be computed and recorded automatically. This system is developed using Java language. Images are caught by a CCD camera and sent to the server through internet. Since only images are used in analysis, the plants and the environments won't be destroyed and the growth of the plants won't be disturbed. In addition, due to the ability of remote observation and data measurement, this system can also serve as a botany teaching platform.
In this paper, we describe a remote plant growth observation system. This system has the capacity to on-line measure and record the data of plant growth. The tracking mechanism is based a modified active contour model. Users just need to roughly mark the target plant to be the initial contour. The system will continuously track the plant growth. The area encircled by the contour and the corresponding mass center will be computed and recorded automatically. This system is developed using Java language. Images are caught by a CCD camera and sent to the server through internet. Since only images are used in analysis, the plants and the environments won't be destroyed and the growth of the plants won't be disturbed. In addition, due to the ability of remote observation and data measurement, this system can also serve as a botany teaching platform.