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法蘭茲•彼得•舒伯特(Franz Peter Schubert, 1797-1828)以優美的旋律,泉湧不絕的樂思著稱。其一生雖短暫,卻留下為數不少的藝術歌曲、交響樂、室內樂和鋼琴作品。其中,鋼琴特色小品,展現了舒伯特一貫的旋律美感,與和聲音響上的特質,例如:平行調或同音異名等轉調方式。這些作品沒有華麗的炫耀技巧,卻有著內省、感動人心的特色,透過這些鋼琴作品可以一窺舒伯特對音樂的想法以及對生命的沉思。本論文共分為五章,第一章為緒論,包含研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法、主要參考文獻之簡明評述,第二章舒伯特的生平與音樂風格中,將對其時代背景、音樂學習歷程概述,並就鋼琴音樂風格與特色,以及針對舒伯特的鋼琴特色小品作探討。第三章樂曲分析,筆者以創作背景、曲式架構、調性、和聲、旋律和節奏等方面來分析。第四章演奏與詮釋,將就樂曲分析的結果,提出各曲之看法與建議,第五章則為結論。
Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) is famous for his beautiful melodies and endless inspiration for music. Although his life is short, he has left a large number of art songs, symphonies, chamber music and piano works. Among these works are the piano character pieces, in which Schubert has always demonstrated the aesthetics of the melody, and the specific features of harmony, for example: parallel keys or enharmonic equivalents, etc. These works don’t require fascinating performing skills, but they are deeply touching. Through these piano works, we can have a glimpse into Schubert's thoughts on music and meditation on life. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one introduces the research motives, scopes, methods, and summarizes the contents of the main references. Chapter two discusses Schubert’s life and his music style, and focuses on the style and features of his piano music. The third chapter analyzes several of his works, in terms of their background information, music structure, tonality, harmony, melody and rhythm. The fourth chapter is to put forth theopinions and suggestions for each work based on the result of my music analysis. The fifth chapter is the conclusion.
Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) is famous for his beautiful melodies and endless inspiration for music. Although his life is short, he has left a large number of art songs, symphonies, chamber music and piano works. Among these works are the piano character pieces, in which Schubert has always demonstrated the aesthetics of the melody, and the specific features of harmony, for example: parallel keys or enharmonic equivalents, etc. These works don’t require fascinating performing skills, but they are deeply touching. Through these piano works, we can have a glimpse into Schubert's thoughts on music and meditation on life. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one introduces the research motives, scopes, methods, and summarizes the contents of the main references. Chapter two discusses Schubert’s life and his music style, and focuses on the style and features of his piano music. The third chapter analyzes several of his works, in terms of their background information, music structure, tonality, harmony, melody and rhythm. The fourth chapter is to put forth theopinions and suggestions for each work based on the result of my music analysis. The fifth chapter is the conclusion.
舒伯特, 鋼琴特色小品, G大調慢板, B小調匈牙利旋律, 音樂瞬間, Schubert, piano character pieces, Adagio in G, Ungarische melodie in B, Moments musicaux