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蔣介石夫人宋美齡一生跨越三個世紀,見證並且參與了二十世紀的風雲巨變,她不僅親身經歷兩次世界大戰,而且還親身扮演了其中重要的角色;換言之,宋美齡的一生中,有半個世紀的歲月是與中國現代歷史有著緊密關聯。民國十六年十二月一日蔣中正先生與夫人宋美齡女士結褵於上海,他所領導的革命事業也從此揭開新的一頁,宋美齡於私可說是蔣中正先生不可須臾離開的伴侶,於公更是生死與共的革命夥伴。 二次大戰期間,宋美齡在一九四三年到美國國會及全美各地演講,以其流暢的英語優勢,激勵美國朝野為民主、自由而奮戰,成功地扭轉了美國人對華人的印象,使我國贏得美國的尊重;在對日抗戰期間,她用自己獨特的魅力爭取到了美國人對中國抗日的支持。二十世紀出現了兩股狂飆式的政治風潮,一是共產主義,另一個是法西斯主義,而這兩種風潮在中國激盪出國共內戰;正因如此,宋美齡第二次的訪美行程是在一九四八年,她為了挽救即將滅亡的國民黨政府,再次踏上了向美求援的路途,希望美國政府設法化解,只是宋美齡在這次的訪美過程中也沒有達成她既定目標中的政治任務;殆至一九四九年中國國民黨剿共失敗後,中華民國撤至台灣。 本論文內容主要針對一九三六至一九四九年期間蔣宋美齡二次訪美行對戰時中美關係的影響,由於戰時中美關係錯綜複雜,並不能侷限於一個個橫切面而不涉及其他國際關係,因此本研究論文的架構是以蔣宋美齡訪美為主軸,與此議題相關的重要理論與問題為框架,分析並探討其對戰時中美關係及戰後中國的影響。本研究在資料蒐集上以相關史料、文件及各種第一手資料為主,並且審慎參酌其他相關著作,力求在立論上提供一個客觀的思考層面。
Madame Chiang Soong Mey-ling spent all her life over three centuries; she witnessed the worst wars: World War I and World War II, she also played an important role during World War II. In another words, madam Chiang’s life was related to modern history. She married with Chiang Kai-shek in 1927, he started his revolutionary age. Madame Chiang was not only his intimate companion in private, but revolutionary partner. In 1943, Madame Chiang made speeches on American Congress and all over American; she encouraged Americans to fight for democracy and freedom by fluent English, she changed the impression that how America saw China. She strived for American’s support successfully during Sino-Japanese War. The second time that madam Chiang tried to get support from America was 1948, she hoped that American government would help getting perished Kuomintang to solve The Chinese Civil War. However, she didn’t achieve her political target this time. This thesis puts emphasis on comparing the two times of Soong’s visiting to America, and figures out how she influenced the relationship between U.S. and China. This thesis uses the methods of Historic research, Political Analysis, tries to integrate related articles, first hand documents and makes an objective view about 1936-1950.



蔣宋美齡, 二次世界大戰, 珍珠港事變, Chiang Soong Mey-ling, World War II, Pearl harbor





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