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本研究旨在瞭解科技大學學生資訊素養能力現況,以正修科技大學日間部四技學生為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣的方式選取樣本,先採用問卷調查法取得395 份有效問卷,進行量化統計分析後,針對問卷調查之結果,再以立意取樣方式訪談六位受訪者,進一步蒐集研究資料以達成研究目的。
根據調查結果分析,本研究之結論如下:(1)科技大學學生資訊使用經驗情況良好;(2)科技大學學生之資訊素養現況在整體與各層面表現屬中上程度;(3)在性別方面,女性學生的資訊素養平均優於男性學生;在年級方面,四年級學生資訊素養優於其他三個年級;在學院方面,人文學院與管理學院學生資訊素養優於工學院學生;(4)在使用電腦、網路及工具軟體方面,平均每天使用超過1 小時以上的學生資訊素養優於平均每天使用低於1 小時的學生;(5)在利用圖書館方面,每週利用圖書館1 天以上的學生資訊素養優於沒有每週利用圖書館的學生;(6)在修習資訊素養課程方面,有修習過資訊素養課程的學生資訊素養優於沒有修習過資訊素養課程的學生。
This study aims to evaluate the information literacy skills of university students. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on university students recruited from Cheng Shiu University. 395 valid questionnaires were obtained. After data analysis, 6 participants were then interviewed with purposive sampling method in order to achieve research purposes. According to the research findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) University students have positive experiences in use of information. (2) University students' information literacy status is at upper level of overall performances. (3) The average information literacy of female students is better than male students; the fourth grade students have the best information literacy compared to students in other three grades; the information literacy of students of the College of Humanities and the College of Management is better than students of the College of Engineering. (4) Students who use computer, Internet and software more than 1 hour per day have better information literacy than students who use computer, Internet and software less than 1 hour per day. (5) Students who use the resources of library more than 1 day per week have better information literacy than students who don't use the resources of library more than 1 day per week. (6) Students who have attended information literacy courses have better information literacy than students who haven't attended information literacy courses. According to the conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are provided to schools, educational administration authorities and teachers: (1) Library services should be strengthened for improving readers' information literacy; (2) increase training courses related to information literacy; (3) teachers are recommended to add information literacy training into the teaching curriculum by cooperating with librarians; (4) teachers should actively contact new technologies and apply information literacy into teaching in order to arouse students' interest in learning.
This study aims to evaluate the information literacy skills of university students. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on university students recruited from Cheng Shiu University. 395 valid questionnaires were obtained. After data analysis, 6 participants were then interviewed with purposive sampling method in order to achieve research purposes. According to the research findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) University students have positive experiences in use of information. (2) University students' information literacy status is at upper level of overall performances. (3) The average information literacy of female students is better than male students; the fourth grade students have the best information literacy compared to students in other three grades; the information literacy of students of the College of Humanities and the College of Management is better than students of the College of Engineering. (4) Students who use computer, Internet and software more than 1 hour per day have better information literacy than students who use computer, Internet and software less than 1 hour per day. (5) Students who use the resources of library more than 1 day per week have better information literacy than students who don't use the resources of library more than 1 day per week. (6) Students who have attended information literacy courses have better information literacy than students who haven't attended information literacy courses. According to the conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are provided to schools, educational administration authorities and teachers: (1) Library services should be strengthened for improving readers' information literacy; (2) increase training courses related to information literacy; (3) teachers are recommended to add information literacy training into the teaching curriculum by cooperating with librarians; (4) teachers should actively contact new technologies and apply information literacy into teaching in order to arouse students' interest in learning.
資訊素養, 科技大學學生, 高等教育, information literacy, university of technology students, higher education